Thursday, July 30, 2009

Company is coming

My daughter and my two grandsons are comin to visit for the week nd.
I am looking forward to them being here. I will bake cookies and have all of thier faorite foods on hand.
We will plan special things to do like shop campt the woods and go to a water park in Ottumwa.
We are so blesed to e family and friends that come to visit. I am thankful for a three bedroom home to entertain.
In two weeks Brain, Erika and the boys will e here. That will be a fun week end also.
It has been a busy summer. I hate to see it end but school will be starting soon.

Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Missouri adventure

Did I mention we had fun?
Near Rothville, mo is a possible site where the Ingalls family may have lived. According to county land records Charles Ingalls purchased this 80 acres and sold itback to the original owner one year later. WE also visited another Lewis and Clark campsite where the Grand River connects to the Missouri. Saw the worlds largest Pecan. Saw a large county courthouse in the tiny town of Keytesville(500 population). Log cabin and calaboose too.

Sunday, July 26, 2009


Kandy , my girlfriend of 30 years from florida, is in Iowa and Don and I are going to Tiffin to pick her up for a few days visit.
We will take her to Grinnell to have supper with a friend from Ames and HIs wife. On our way home we will take her to visit watson woods. She can see the deer tower Don and Ted where working on when Ted fell off the ladder and broke his ankle. That ended the fun at the woods yesterday.
Tomorrow we are off on an excellant adventure into Missouri. A day trip to Rothville and a site where Laura Ingall Wilder lived. That will complete all of the wilder sites for kandy. We will look for a tea shop for lunch and also see some museums in the area.
Then tuesday mom and I will take her back to tiffin. We might have lunch at the Amana Colony.

Wednesday, July 22, 2009


Each new day brings news of varying degrees of emotions.
Excitement today as Rob Roberts announces his candidacy to run for governor of Iowa. This brings hope to the Iowa GOP. We need to turn this state back around. Maybe Iowa can lead the way to real lasting change.
On a sad note my sister in law lost her mother last night and that is always hard news to digest.
But somewhere today a new baby will bring Joy to another family.
The cycle of life is unending.
And the RAGBRI brings excitement to the parts of the state that the cyclists pass through today. They have enjoyed mild temperatures for July in IOwa.
Live each day to its fullest and you'll have now regrets at the end of the day.

Sunday, July 19, 2009


I like Sundays. It is the day of rest every week and some weeks are harder then others. I always look forward to sunday and a day of rest.
Going to church is so uplifting and encouraging. The worship is so good for the soul and lifts our spirits. The preaching is good instruction for the rest of the week. We are weak but theLord gives us the strength to carry on.
Don fried chicken for lunch so I just had to clean up afterwards.
He is puttering with his deer stand and I will probably sew on some projects for the quilt guild.
Mom joined us for lunch and that was fun to show her our garden and just to have fellowship with her.
Might even find time for a short nap. I think I hear the bedroom calling me right now.

Friday, July 17, 2009


Live today like it is the first day of your life not like it is the last day of your life.
Think of all the possibilities you can do today. Be the hands and feet of Jesus and reach out to someone today in charity.
We have nothing if we don't have love.
Living and loving one day at a time.

Wednesday, July 15, 2009

Hump day

.It is wednesday the 15th of the month and Hump day.
Just make it through wednesday and the week is just about over and on to the week end.
I used to have a sign at work that said " I live for fridays."
Now that I don't work any more I hardly know one day from the next except my husband still has to go to work every morning. That means I have to fix lunch every day and try to come up with a new menu every day.
That is my big challenge now a days. What's for lunch?

Tuesday, July 14, 2009


Today is NARFE meeting. (National active and retired federal employees.)
I enjoy narfe they are mostly retired postal employees.
It gives me something to look forward to every other month.
They work to help hold our federal pension benefits. I used to belong to league and napus but seems like narfe does more.
I fondly remember all my trips to washington Dc storming the hill on behalf of the postal policies being sent down the pike every week.
Some where good and some not so good. Most postmasters really didn't care. I believed we had a political voice and I felt we shoud use it or loss it.
Politically involved in Osky one day at a time.

Monday, July 13, 2009


I did not take to the computer easily. I thought I was too old to learn new tricks.
But since retiring I am really glad I learned something about using computers. Gives me something to do each day.Check my emails. , write a blog page, reconnect with family and old friends from high school days.
I thought I was too old for facebook and it took a while to get going but it is the greatest thing since sliced bread. All of your friends together and so easy to interact with.
Sort of makes the phone out of date ,but I still like to talk to my girlfriends each day to keep up with what is happening.
One day at a time moving into the future with the modern wonder of technology.

Sunday, July 12, 2009

Family Reunions

Today is the Faux family reunion.
I hate reunions.
Ever since I was a little kid I was drug to family reunions and I was the youngest so I got teased a lot.
Did I mention I hate family reunions.
My kids don't like reunions either so I go without them to satisfy my mother.
She is the oldest living faux survivor. At 83 years young. It is now down to the third generation of fauxs. It will not make it to the fourth generation.
Upwards and onwards to the family fun day in Patterson, my old home town.

Friday, July 10, 2009

Another rainy day

Another rainy weekend beginning.
It will make it difficult to do things at the woods in the mud, sometimes we need a rainy day so we will apprciate the sunny days more when we have them and not take them for granted.
Each new day is a blessing from God and we should life each day to the fullest.
Living out our days in Osky one day at at time.

Thursday, July 9, 2009

Fresh Veggies

Don dug a hill of potatoes, two small onions, 5 small carrotts and two zuchini for a grilled veggie dish to go with steak for supper. Yummm!!!!
It is so nice to go shopping in my garden for supper.
The timely rains have made my garden look like a jungle. The corn is over our heads and starting to silk with new ears of corn.
Tomatoes are 4 foot tall and full of nice tomatoes but still green.
Beans have climbed the fence but not blooming yet. One large watermellon plant is trying to take over the whole gaden????
From the Garden of Eden to my garden life begins in the garden.

Saturday, July 4, 2009

Happy birthday USA

WE camped two nights at Watson Woods but returned home this morning as it had rained all night and looked like a wet 4th of July.
I learned a new way to "Stand by Your man" Even if it meant sitting on the fender of the tractor while he mowed weeds. He even let me drive His tractor a few rounds around the field. He thinks " I think his tractor is Sexy" Am I good or what!!!!!!
He got his turnips planted in July wet or dry so with the rain they should make good deer food plot in the fall.
Now he is building a deer stand while I rest.
Ah the joys of being a farmers wife and still living in the city.

Wednesday, July 1, 2009

Lazy Days of Summer

Where did the summer go to so fast? Seems like it was such a short cold spring and then summer was here and now its only two months until school starts again.
My garden is out of control. Corn is over my head and the watermellon vine goes on and on .
Beans are climbing the fence to reach the sky and tomatoe look like a jungle. But oh how good to taste the fruits of your summer labors.It is a cold wonderful summer day in Iowa so I think I'll go for a walk and along the way stop and smell the flowers.
Ah!!! Summer in Iowa . It doesn't get much better then this.