Friday, June 17, 2011

Life in the country

Happily sitting on my porch watching the kittens rolling and tumbling over each other as my faithful dog Buddy lays at my feet keeping a watchful eye on the kittens as two hummingbirds drink from the feeder and butterflies dart in and out of my flowers while birds chirp up above in the trees as cows bawl for their calves in the pasture across the road with the sound of the train whistle passing by on the rail road track in the distance. Life doesn't get any better then this.
I am so blessed and I think to myself why Lord have you been so good to me. Then I remember God is good all the time.
Living life to the fullest with a grateful heart one day at a time.

Tuesday, June 7, 2011

The wonders of God's world

What a wonderful awesome God we serve.
Before we were even born God had a plan for our lifes. He is so good and His greatness never ends. He is faithful and true and in Him we can put our trust. There is no God like Jehovah.
This morning as I sat on my front porch and soaked in my lush green surroundings and meditated on God's word in His Holy Bible I felt a contentment like I have never felt before.
All around us the world seems to be falling apart. Many are weary and sick. No one can be trusted. And the world is looking for a Savior to rescue them.
But there is no need of a savior because Christ came to save the world 2000 years ago and He is the same savior today as he was in the past and he will still be the same in all of our tomorrows.
This morning as I went for my morning walk with the gentle breezes on my face and the bright warm sunshine up above under a canopy of green trees providing shade I felt safe in Jesus arms. I was not alone for Jesus was walking there beside me.
He was leading me through green pastures and in fields of clover. Though a valley of death lies before all of us we need not fear any evil for God is in control. He has promised never to leave us nor forsake us and His word is true.
He provides for all our needs according to His Richness and Glory. He is the Alpha and the Omega. The first and the last. He is all we will ever need.
Fall down and worship Him . Love and adore Him. And give Him praise.
Our God inhabits our praises. He is honored by our praises. Sing songs to Him. He deserves all of our praise.
One Day at a time. And may all of our days be full of love and kindness one to another.
Thank you Jesus for another day of life to live for you.