Monday, August 22, 2011

Summer 2011

Well the summer of 2011 is just about gone and in the history books.
Schools are starting and Friday night football is here. Where did the summer fly off too?
We have been blessed here in Watson Woods to have had many friends and family come and visit us. Both Jim and Brian came and brought their families. Fun watching how Nick and Jack are growing up and great to have Jen one last time acting like a kid before she becomes an adult. Sweet little Makenzie playing with the kittens and dogs.
Don even caught one of his beloved fish for supper one night. Of course he had to add a couple of frog legs too. And Kenzie was game to try one too.
Mom turned 85 years young and 32 friends and family came to celebrate that accomplishment.
My brother Jack and Ivana spent a few days with us and my aunt Noreen and uncle Scott were here a couple of days with their camper.
Kolton and Kolby spent a couple of days. Kolby and Buddy drove the golf cart all over the 40 acres. And Kolton drove mom and I around Osky grocery shopping. They are growing up way too fast.
Don worked hard building two porches and a deck for the house. WE planted shrubs and mums.
We have enjoyed all the wildlife and birds that live with us at the woods.
Life is simple here in the woods . God is good and we are thankful for every day he gives to us to enjoy.
//////The little teardrop trailer is getting a break this year as we are flying to Hawaii in two weeks for an end of summer vacation before heading into the fall. Wish we could have summer days all year but then it wouldn't be Iowa and I don't know if I could be happy outside of Iowa.
Living life to the fullest . One day at a time.