Monday, August 22, 2011

Summer 2011

Well the summer of 2011 is just about gone and in the history books.
Schools are starting and Friday night football is here. Where did the summer fly off too?
We have been blessed here in Watson Woods to have had many friends and family come and visit us. Both Jim and Brian came and brought their families. Fun watching how Nick and Jack are growing up and great to have Jen one last time acting like a kid before she becomes an adult. Sweet little Makenzie playing with the kittens and dogs.
Don even caught one of his beloved fish for supper one night. Of course he had to add a couple of frog legs too. And Kenzie was game to try one too.
Mom turned 85 years young and 32 friends and family came to celebrate that accomplishment.
My brother Jack and Ivana spent a few days with us and my aunt Noreen and uncle Scott were here a couple of days with their camper.
Kolton and Kolby spent a couple of days. Kolby and Buddy drove the golf cart all over the 40 acres. And Kolton drove mom and I around Osky grocery shopping. They are growing up way too fast.
Don worked hard building two porches and a deck for the house. WE planted shrubs and mums.
We have enjoyed all the wildlife and birds that live with us at the woods.
Life is simple here in the woods . God is good and we are thankful for every day he gives to us to enjoy.
//////The little teardrop trailer is getting a break this year as we are flying to Hawaii in two weeks for an end of summer vacation before heading into the fall. Wish we could have summer days all year but then it wouldn't be Iowa and I don't know if I could be happy outside of Iowa.
Living life to the fullest . One day at a time.

Friday, June 17, 2011

Life in the country

Happily sitting on my porch watching the kittens rolling and tumbling over each other as my faithful dog Buddy lays at my feet keeping a watchful eye on the kittens as two hummingbirds drink from the feeder and butterflies dart in and out of my flowers while birds chirp up above in the trees as cows bawl for their calves in the pasture across the road with the sound of the train whistle passing by on the rail road track in the distance. Life doesn't get any better then this.
I am so blessed and I think to myself why Lord have you been so good to me. Then I remember God is good all the time.
Living life to the fullest with a grateful heart one day at a time.

Tuesday, June 7, 2011

The wonders of God's world

What a wonderful awesome God we serve.
Before we were even born God had a plan for our lifes. He is so good and His greatness never ends. He is faithful and true and in Him we can put our trust. There is no God like Jehovah.
This morning as I sat on my front porch and soaked in my lush green surroundings and meditated on God's word in His Holy Bible I felt a contentment like I have never felt before.
All around us the world seems to be falling apart. Many are weary and sick. No one can be trusted. And the world is looking for a Savior to rescue them.
But there is no need of a savior because Christ came to save the world 2000 years ago and He is the same savior today as he was in the past and he will still be the same in all of our tomorrows.
This morning as I went for my morning walk with the gentle breezes on my face and the bright warm sunshine up above under a canopy of green trees providing shade I felt safe in Jesus arms. I was not alone for Jesus was walking there beside me.
He was leading me through green pastures and in fields of clover. Though a valley of death lies before all of us we need not fear any evil for God is in control. He has promised never to leave us nor forsake us and His word is true.
He provides for all our needs according to His Richness and Glory. He is the Alpha and the Omega. The first and the last. He is all we will ever need.
Fall down and worship Him . Love and adore Him. And give Him praise.
Our God inhabits our praises. He is honored by our praises. Sing songs to Him. He deserves all of our praise.
One Day at a time. And may all of our days be full of love and kindness one to another.
Thank you Jesus for another day of life to live for you.

Thursday, February 17, 2011

FAmily and Friends

This morning my heart is leaning towards my family, especially my brother Dale and his family. They lost their only son Sunday and will bury him today in the old McGinus Cemetery at the top of turkey ranch hill west of Patterson.
There are lots of Faux families buried there. My Grandmother buried Grandpa Faux there because it was next door to the old family farm. She lined the graves with a cement and rock foundation and planted many flowers there so it would always be decorated even after her death.
Decoration day or memorial day were important in our family. Dad would get the flowers and we would leave early and drive from cemetery to cemetery looking up loved ones graves and decorating them so they would never be forgotten. Then we would watch the veterans memorial service at the Winterset cemetery and then go to the city park for a picnic of friend chicken and all the trimmings. Mom would had to have gotten up very early to fry all that chicken.
I had five big brothers and each and every one of them had a little sister Me!
Larry will be joining his baby sister who died in her first year of life. Dale and Sheryl never got over the death of Lisa. She would remain their baby for forever.
Lord we ask you to comfort them now in their sorrow and turn their mourning into Joy! The Joy of the lord.
Larry was a cute little guy. Growing up he was only four years older then my own son Danny.
Sherry and Larry were 4 and 6 and Danny was too young to stand up by himself. I had them hold his hands in between them so I could snap their photo and I remember they let go of his hand and he fell over backwards without their support. We laughed and laughed. Danny was unharmed and I scooped him up and kissed away his tears.
Life seemed so much simpler in those days. I thought time moved too slow. Oh what I would give to live those days over again. I would have taken time to enjoy every precious moment.
We can fondly look back but we can not return to those days and ways , We must go forward and live each day to the fullest and live and love with all our hearts. Life is too short and just a dash between our birth and our death. So it is important what we do with the dash. Life is like a vapor here for a while and then gone.
Tell the ones you love that you love them and hold them dear. and prepare them to meet their Master and make him their Savior so we can all be reunited in heaven again one day soon.

Monday, February 7, 2011

more snow

I thought we were to have a cold week free of snow. Last weeks blizzard was enough to finish the winter out.
I am sitting inside my warm house thumbing my nose at the snow.
That is one of the rich rewards of being retired. I no longer have to worry about the weather or carriers out making mail deliveries.
Just wait and see if my mailman brings me mail . If not today he will be here tomorrow.
My good friend Gloria came to help me clean house today. Thanks to my wonderful sweetie Don for spoiling me with a house cleaner once a month. Helps me keep ahead of too much filth.
Keep us healthy.
WE even watched the super bowl last night. I watched it off and on enough to know who won. Go Packers!
Life is what we make it and so far life seems good in the country.
Is it perfect? No! But it is what God has provided and I am thankful for having God in my life.

Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Winter doledrums.

Will January never end? It seems like this month has been forever long. So much cold , snow and ice. I try not to complain about Iowa's winters as I love living in Iowa. It has been my home all 61 years of my life.
But we need some sun shine. It lifts ones spirits and makes my mood lighter and happier.
Even Buddy turns up his nose when I ask him if he wants to go outside and play. He drops his head as if to say Please don't send me outside It's too cold out there.
I have quilts to complete but no motivation to make it happen.
Try to exercise and trying not to overcook so need something exciting to give my life purpose.
I have plenty to do but no desire to do it.
Lord lift this heavy spirit from over my head and give me Joy. Your Joy Lord to live a life that brings honor and glory to you.
I think I hear a nap calling my name.

Saturday, January 22, 2011


Exercise is a dirty word. I just found out why. My Ah Ha moment for today. Bob Greene in his book " The Life You Want" says one of the roadblocks to exercise is not wanting to feel discomfort. to get over that hurtle I must think of the discomfort I feel when my clothes no longer fit.
So it is a vicious circle and I am on a merry go round that I can not get off of.
The second barrier is losing to gain a dream career. What is he talking about. I spent 32 years working with the public so I could rest and relax in my dream career of being retired. I don't want to go back to work. Just keeping house is more work then I really want but we must keep things clean to keep things healthy. Another vicious circle.
# 3My body is physiologically wired for pleasure- seeking. I don't even want to go there . The temptation might be too great and I might become someone I don't want to be.
I am starting to think I like being fat. just go out and buy bigger clothes. That might work. But then Don would wonder where all his hard worked for money went. Another vicious circle.
Feelings of unworthiness is barrier # 4. I am fat because I feel unworthy?? I don't think so. I am fat because I eat too much and exercise too little. Back to the dirty word exercise.. This book is getting me nowhere.
# 5 Raising self-worth lowering emotional eating. Don says if I thought I was worth any more He could not afford me. Here i am running in circles again. This is getting me no where fast.Barrier #6 Fear of success ( or failure) That looks like another circle to me. i want to succeed but in so doing I am afraid I will fail. Wow! Who knew losing weight could be so hard. Now I am feeling stress and pressure to succeed. Help me Lord.
Barrier # 7 a poor body image. Every year as I get older that body in the mirror looks like it belongs to someone else. I don't know that old lady in the mirror so I try hard not to look at her but just remember who I used to look like / A cute little hot chick. And as my memory is fading it gets harder and harder to find that hot chick image.
Barrier # 8 Unsupportive Relationships. That's a good one. I can just blame it on Don because he won't exercise with me and so he is unsupportive. Or maybe they mean he will not support me financially if I continue getting fat. That might motivate me to exercise and stop eating so much. I can picture myself homeless and starving. Not a good photo opportunity.
Barrier #9 Abuse. That is my point .. I think exercise is Abusive. So I have come full circle and Bob's book has not helped me . Perhaps I am beyond help.
Oh Lord when there is no one else to turn to I have you and only you. Help motivate me to exercise more and eat less . Or help me accept a new bigger version of my former self. My Best Life is right now and I intend to enjoy every moment of it until you take me home. I am just a stranger in a foreign land headed for the promised land.