Sunday, December 28, 2008

Historic Savanah

Left Jack's early this morning and traveled to Savanah, GA. First we went across the big bridge to SC just to say we went there. Then took a Grey Line Trolley tour of Historic Savanah. A lot of the houses were no more than a foot apart. The tour guide put the teardrop on the anounced tour; hows about that, huh. We left there down I95 South and got into a big parking lot. There first was construction where the lanes went from 3 down to 2 and a lot of dummy's wanted to stay in the lane that was closing and cut back in at the last minute not to mention the ones that decided to just drive on the sholder. Too bad I wasn't a cop..... Very slow going for a couple of hours. We decided to stop in a campground but the ones we saw were full up. Finaly we stopped just inside Florida at the welcome center. Funny but we were not the only ones who were using it as a camping spot. The teardrop looks like a baby of the real motor homes next to it.

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