Monday, August 24, 2009

Lazy Days of Summer

The lazy days of summer are just about gone for this year. Were did the summer go to so fast. Seems like yesterday and it was spring.
It is fall and school is started again. Normal fall activites are beginning like football games on friday night.
Womens ministries at church are beginning new fall bible studies, and Mom two Moms is starting this week with a volunters breakfast. Today I have to get caught up at home so I can run, run, run the rest of the week.
And I thought I was quietly retired and living my life in liesure.
Ah the joys of living in retirement one day at a time.

Thursday, August 13, 2009

40 &45 year clas reunions

My 40 year class reunion from Winterset High School is October 9th. Dons 45th from Vienna ,Il is the following week end.
So now I have only two months to get my falling apart body into some sort of shape. So naturally I have turned to the local YMCA.
In addition to the water arobics classes three times a week I am trying to go every morning and ride the bike an walk the tredmill. I am up to 1.25 mile walking and 1.5 riding the bike plus lift some weights and do a few sit ups.
We will see how long this lasts. I have a very short attention span and a low torerance for pain.
No pain no gain so they say.
It is not as easy to take off at 60 as it used to .

Wednesday, August 12, 2009

Company's coming

We have been so blessed to have family and friends visit us this summe.
this week endBraian and Erika and the boys are coming.
A ful week end of activities are planned. Food is planned and I know we wilhave a wonderful time with the boys. They are so full of energy. They lve Pops and he loves them to.
Jack wants to fsh and we will visit Watson Woods. If the tractor will run don will tkae them both for a tractor ride. They can climb up in the the deer tower. Swing in the swing.
Ah! The joys of being a grandparent. One visit at a time.

Monday, August 10, 2009

Monday mornig

It is monday morning and the beginning of another new week.
It is like an artist canvas new and clean ready for the artist to cover it with his new creation of art for the world to enjoyl
There is a lovely new week ahead for us to enjoy and share with the rest of the world.
What good thing will we do with the week ahead of us.
Will we use our time for Gods glory or will we use our days for our own selfish desires.
My prayer for today and the rest of the week is to be used as the Lord shows me his will for my life.
Today mother is coming to do her laundry. Help me to show her love and kindness.
May the rest of the week be easy and pleasant. Make me a blessing to someone.

Friday, August 7, 2009


It is a rainy lazy day in Iowa. We were very dry and the garden is starting to look like fall. But today it is raining.
It would be a good day to just go back to bed and cover up your head and take a nap.
I could go to the YMCA but I really don't want to go out in the rain.
I have no sewing project to work on. I could clean house as we have company coming next friday.
I have a bad case of I am retired I really don't want to do a darn thing.
I need a good book to read.

Monday, August 3, 2009

great week end

We certainly had a blessed weelend with my daughter and my grandsons.
Kolby is so full of life and energy. Kolton is getting so mature. He will be in high school this fall.
They are growin up.
After they went home we went to the woods .
Don put up more cameras. I picked the green beans and squash. It was so nice outside with the breeze to snap my beans. We now have 12 bags of frozen green beans.
Kim and Kolton liked Don's salsa so I guess the yucky tomatoes are good for something.
Cleaning lady coming today. Iike that. Getready for Brian's family in two weeks.
One blessing at a time.n