Thursday, August 13, 2009

40 &45 year clas reunions

My 40 year class reunion from Winterset High School is October 9th. Dons 45th from Vienna ,Il is the following week end.
So now I have only two months to get my falling apart body into some sort of shape. So naturally I have turned to the local YMCA.
In addition to the water arobics classes three times a week I am trying to go every morning and ride the bike an walk the tredmill. I am up to 1.25 mile walking and 1.5 riding the bike plus lift some weights and do a few sit ups.
We will see how long this lasts. I have a very short attention span and a low torerance for pain.
No pain no gain so they say.
It is not as easy to take off at 60 as it used to .

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