Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Winter doledrums.

Will January never end? It seems like this month has been forever long. So much cold , snow and ice. I try not to complain about Iowa's winters as I love living in Iowa. It has been my home all 61 years of my life.
But we need some sun shine. It lifts ones spirits and makes my mood lighter and happier.
Even Buddy turns up his nose when I ask him if he wants to go outside and play. He drops his head as if to say Please don't send me outside It's too cold out there.
I have quilts to complete but no motivation to make it happen.
Try to exercise and trying not to overcook so need something exciting to give my life purpose.
I have plenty to do but no desire to do it.
Lord lift this heavy spirit from over my head and give me Joy. Your Joy Lord to live a life that brings honor and glory to you.
I think I hear a nap calling my name.

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