Don worked so hard yesterday he was out as soon as his head hit the pillow last night.
We are up and ready for church .
After church we will head to the Woods to do some more work.
They tell us what does not kill you makes you strongr.This land is a challenge and sometimes I think we are too old for all this fun we are haivng. If you can call it fun.
It is a beautiful summer day in Iowa. We must live in the present and enjoy each new day of life we are given.
Sunday, May 31, 2009
Friday, May 29, 2009
camping at watson woods
We plan to camp at watson woods tonight after work.
Our woods have become a jungle. Much mowing and brush cleanup to be done.
We need to cut a few trees so our neighbors can move in thier 1/5 wheel camper and set it up to permanently stay at the woods.
Southern Iowa electric from bloomfield is suppost to set pole for electricity soon.
It will be easier with elelctricity. We will get a large tank for water and haul water from town.
Rural water is just too expensive.
Ah! the joys of camping in the woods.
The birds have set up nests in all the bird houses we put up so told Don to build a few more. It will be fun watching the birds.
The deer ate all the suppliment Don set out so now need to get more.
We will have invested heavily in thier growth.
Only the best for don's deer friends.
Our woods have become a jungle. Much mowing and brush cleanup to be done.
We need to cut a few trees so our neighbors can move in thier 1/5 wheel camper and set it up to permanently stay at the woods.
Southern Iowa electric from bloomfield is suppost to set pole for electricity soon.
It will be easier with elelctricity. We will get a large tank for water and haul water from town.
Rural water is just too expensive.
Ah! the joys of camping in the woods.
The birds have set up nests in all the bird houses we put up so told Don to build a few more. It will be fun watching the birds.
The deer ate all the suppliment Don set out so now need to get more.
We will have invested heavily in thier growth.
Only the best for don's deer friends.
Wednesday, May 27, 2009
Teardrop Rally

we have the teardrop ready to go to the International Teardrop Gathering in Minden , Neb June 18-21,2009.
Last gathering 130 teardrops showed up fro all around the world. We are anxious to see other teardrop designs and show off the vintage 1947 teardrop don made last year.
Ready for vacation to start June 18th.
We will begin with a night in Sydney, Iowa to reconnect with a girl Kathy mentored when she was 8 and now she is 16. From there we will go to the teardrop rally in nebraska and on to Idaho to visit Kathy's aunt and uncle ,Yellowstone and back towards home.
Tuesday, May 26, 2009
Feels like monday
It is tuesday after the holiday but it feels like monday.
My cleaning lady came today to clean the bathrooms and that makes me happy.
Mom came over and did her laundry. Ted fixed her car.
Our garden is looking wonderful after the rain.
Life is back to noral and life is good in Osky.
My cleaning lady came today to clean the bathrooms and that makes me happy.
Mom came over and did her laundry. Ted fixed her car.
Our garden is looking wonderful after the rain.
Life is back to noral and life is good in Osky.
Sunday, May 24, 2009
memorial day week end
It has been a busy memeorial day week end at the Watson house.
My brother jack spent two days with us followed by a two day visit with Don's son Jim.
We showed off the Watson Woods. We ate too much food and talkeda nd watched movies.
It is always funto have company.
Even witha flat tire we made it safely home.
My brother jack spent two days with us followed by a two day visit with Don's son Jim.
We showed off the Watson Woods. We ate too much food and talkeda nd watched movies.
It is always funto have company.
Even witha flat tire we made it safely home.
Friday, May 22, 2009
Don's birthday
Today is Don's birthdaya nd my brother Jack and his wife Ivana are visiting from Georgia.
Last night we showed them the woods and we ate mushrooms and sat around the campfire and had a good talk.
They are going to visit mom today and we will go to Bar B Q tonight and they will head on to winterset to visit my two brothers there.
Then they are headed to Seattle Wa to visit thier son and go to canada with him for a few days.
Ah the joys of being retired.
Looking forward to more company on saturday as Jim and Tracy ride the motorcycle over from Illinois.
Great holiday week end ahead.
Last night we showed them the woods and we ate mushrooms and sat around the campfire and had a good talk.
They are going to visit mom today and we will go to Bar B Q tonight and they will head on to winterset to visit my two brothers there.
Then they are headed to Seattle Wa to visit thier son and go to canada with him for a few days.
Ah the joys of being retired.
Looking forward to more company on saturday as Jim and Tracy ride the motorcycle over from Illinois.
Great holiday week end ahead.
Tuesday, May 19, 2009
Don's heart is out of rythm
Don woke up early this morning and his heart is out of rythm. It is beating really fast. That wears him out fast.
He is still in bed and hoping it soon will go back by itsself. If not we will have ot see the doctor and once they had to put him in the hospital and shock his heart.
All I can do is hope and pray. It used to scare me but it has been about a yeas so one day at a time I am trusting Jesus tog ive us both peasce and heal Don's heart.
He is still in bed and hoping it soon will go back by itsself. If not we will have ot see the doctor and once they had to put him in the hospital and shock his heart.
All I can do is hope and pray. It used to scare me but it has been about a yeas so one day at a time I am trusting Jesus tog ive us both peasce and heal Don's heart.
Monday, May 18, 2009
Well it was a cold wet weekend and we got done as much as we could. took time out to drive to Ankeny to get an infared camera to photograph the deer at the woods but last night when Don went to put it together it looks like it had been returned and the sound card does not fit. So another trip to ankeny this week.
I finished two quilt tops for church.
Jim callled last night and it was good to hear his voice and know he is mending . Hopefully he will be able to eat something this week end while they are with us.
They are riding the motorcycle over.
Looking forward to a fun week with mmy brother and Jim's.
Happy holidays
I finished two quilt tops for church.
Jim callled last night and it was good to hear his voice and know he is mending . Hopefully he will be able to eat something this week end while they are with us.
They are riding the motorcycle over.
Looking forward to a fun week with mmy brother and Jim's.
Happy holidays
Saturday, May 16, 2009
It is wet and cold out today. We had no storms but got over 3 inches of rain yesterday.
It was dreary all day but today the sun is shining . We have much work to do here and at the woods. Don wants to use the bush hog to cut brush and make some paths so Jim and Tracy and Jack's can see the woods . Brush hog has been broken for over a month.
We want to clean out the garage so the teardrop can fit inside and we would like to move the privy to the 40 acres and get trim to finish it and and the new floor in the trailer. We have some last minute work to do on the teardrop before vacation as it will be on desplay at the international teardrop gathering in Minden , Nebraska the first day of our trip out west.
Busy here.
It was dreary all day but today the sun is shining . We have much work to do here and at the woods. Don wants to use the bush hog to cut brush and make some paths so Jim and Tracy and Jack's can see the woods . Brush hog has been broken for over a month.
We want to clean out the garage so the teardrop can fit inside and we would like to move the privy to the 40 acres and get trim to finish it and and the new floor in the trailer. We have some last minute work to do on the teardrop before vacation as it will be on desplay at the international teardrop gathering in Minden , Nebraska the first day of our trip out west.
Busy here.
Friday, May 15, 2009
Another rainy spring day in Iowa. Everything is so green and many shades of green like in Ireland. I always thought my grandfather settled in Iowa because he came from Ireland and Iowa must have reminded him of his homeland.
He was a farmer and I know he found satisfaction in farming and getting dirt on his hands.
He always had on overalls and he and grandma raised 9 children . He was so very proud of his family.. During the depression two of his sons went to northern Iowa to farm and when they lost thier farms grandpa lost his farm also and he never got over the loss. He died from a broken heart.
But he left a legacy of working hard to his family and we can all be proud of our Irish roots.
He was a farmer and I know he found satisfaction in farming and getting dirt on his hands.
He always had on overalls and he and grandma raised 9 children . He was so very proud of his family.. During the depression two of his sons went to northern Iowa to farm and when they lost thier farms grandpa lost his farm also and he never got over the loss. He died from a broken heart.
But he left a legacy of working hard to his family and we can all be proud of our Irish roots.
Thursday, May 14, 2009
Today I figured out facebook.
It seems everyone was on facebook. I had been asked to join but never could figure it all out. Today I got there with the help of Don and I have been facebooking all day. Ah the joys of the computer. I am not very technical but Don is a big help.
Quilt guild tonight and then Don and I must seriously clean here and and at the The Woods thsi week end.
Company is coming next week and we are excited.
Inching forward one daya t a time.
It seems everyone was on facebook. I had been asked to join but never could figure it all out. Today I got there with the help of Don and I have been facebooking all day. Ah the joys of the computer. I am not very technical but Don is a big help.
Quilt guild tonight and then Don and I must seriously clean here and and at the The Woods thsi week end.
Company is coming next week and we are excited.
Inching forward one daya t a time.
Wednesday, May 13, 2009
Saving Pennies
Don now has me saving pennies.
He found recipes for dish wash detergent and laundry soap on the internet so we got the ingrediens and I will give it a try. After all this is a recession of depression magnatude.
There is much work to be done at the house this weekend. Don is still working on the privy and the teardrop needs cleaned and finishing touches before we take it on vacation next month to the international teardrop gathering in Minden , Nebraska.. Last year over 130 teardrops were in attendance.
It should be neat to look at others and show off ours.
It is raining today and a good day to stay inside and sew quilts. I am working on a king size summer cotton quilt for our bed. That will take a day or two of sewing.
He found recipes for dish wash detergent and laundry soap on the internet so we got the ingrediens and I will give it a try. After all this is a recession of depression magnatude.
There is much work to be done at the house this weekend. Don is still working on the privy and the teardrop needs cleaned and finishing touches before we take it on vacation next month to the international teardrop gathering in Minden , Nebraska.. Last year over 130 teardrops were in attendance.
It should be neat to look at others and show off ours.
It is raining today and a good day to stay inside and sew quilts. I am working on a king size summer cotton quilt for our bed. That will take a day or two of sewing.
Tuesday, May 12, 2009
Old barns and people
Years of standing in the weather, bearing the storms and scorching
sun, only that can produce beautiful barn wood.
A stranger came by the other day with an offer that set me to thinking.
He wanted to buy the old barn that sits out by the highway.
I told him right off he was crazy.
He was a city type, you could tell by his clothes, his car,
his hands, and the way he talked.
He said he was driving by and saw that beautiful barn
sitting out in the tall grass and wanted to know if it was for sale.
I told him he had a funny idea of beauty.
Sure, it was a handsome building in its day.
But then, there's been a lot of winters pass with their snow and ice and
howling wind.
The summer sun's beat down on that old barn till all the paint's gone,
and the wood has turned silver gray.
Now the old building leans a good deal, looking kind of tired.
Yet, that fellow called it beautiful.
That set me to thinking.
I walked out to the field and just stood there, gazing at that old barn.
The stranger said he planned to use the lumber to line the walls of his
den in a new country home he's building down the road.
He said you couldn't get paint that beautiful.
Only years of standing in the weather, bearing the storms and scorching
sun, only that can produce beautiful barn wood.
It came to me then. We're a lot like that, you and I.
Only it's on the inside that the beauty grows with us.
Sure we turn silver gray too... and lean a bit more than
we did when we were young and full of sap.
But the Good Lord knows what He's doing.
And as the years pass He's busy using the hard weather of our lives,
the dry spells and the stormy seasons to do a job of beautifying
our souls that nothing else can produce.
And to think how often folks holler because they want life easy!
They took the old barn down today and hauled it away
to beautify a rich man's house.
And I reckon someday you and I'll be hauled off
to Heaven to take on whatever chores the Good Lord
has for us in His big mansion.
And I suspect we'll be more beautiful
then for the seasons we've been through here...
and just maybe even add a bit of beauty to our Father's house.
May there be peace within you today.
May you trust God that you are
exactly where you are meant to be.
And...I do sincerely Thank God for my wonderful friends and family who
love me even though I show signs of weathering.
Years of standing in the weather, bearing the storms and scorching
sun, only that can produce beautiful barn wood.
A stranger came by the other day with an offer that set me to thinking.
He wanted to buy the old barn that sits out by the highway.
I told him right off he was crazy.
He was a city type, you could tell by his clothes, his car,
his hands, and the way he talked.
He said he was driving by and saw that beautiful barn
sitting out in the tall grass and wanted to know if it was for sale.
I told him he had a funny idea of beauty.
Sure, it was a handsome building in its day.
But then, there's been a lot of winters pass with their snow and ice and
howling wind.
The summer sun's beat down on that old barn till all the paint's gone,
and the wood has turned silver gray.
Now the old building leans a good deal, looking kind of tired.
Yet, that fellow called it beautiful.
That set me to thinking.
I walked out to the field and just stood there, gazing at that old barn.
The stranger said he planned to use the lumber to line the walls of his
den in a new country home he's building down the road.
He said you couldn't get paint that beautiful.
Only years of standing in the weather, bearing the storms and scorching
sun, only that can produce beautiful barn wood.
It came to me then. We're a lot like that, you and I.
Only it's on the inside that the beauty grows with us.
Sure we turn silver gray too... and lean a bit more than
we did when we were young and full of sap.
But the Good Lord knows what He's doing.
And as the years pass He's busy using the hard weather of our lives,
the dry spells and the stormy seasons to do a job of beautifying
our souls that nothing else can produce.
And to think how often folks holler because they want life easy!
They took the old barn down today and hauled it away
to beautify a rich man's house.
And I reckon someday you and I'll be hauled off
to Heaven to take on whatever chores the Good Lord
has for us in His big mansion.
And I suspect we'll be more beautiful
then for the seasons we've been through here...
and just maybe even add a bit of beauty to our Father's house.
May there be peace within you today.
May you trust God that you are
exactly where you are meant to be.
And...I do sincerely Thank God for my wonderful friends and family who
love me even though I show signs of weathering.
Today is my first NARFE meeting. I am so glad to be a part of the National Association of Retired Federal Employees.
NARFE will work relentlessly to protect my civil service retirement benefits.
They meet on the second tuesday of the month for lunch. I understand most of the memebers are retired postal workers. Some from the Va and other branches of the government.
Work ing for Mr John Q Public is a very trying job, and after 32 years it was good to be able to retire and enjoy my retirement years.
My retiremet is a blessing to us. It allows us to afford the good life here in Osky.
Don stills works and I try to take care of Don. Its a good thing.
Living in the moment , one day at a time.
And enjoying the ride.
NARFE will work relentlessly to protect my civil service retirement benefits.
They meet on the second tuesday of the month for lunch. I understand most of the memebers are retired postal workers. Some from the Va and other branches of the government.
Work ing for Mr John Q Public is a very trying job, and after 32 years it was good to be able to retire and enjoy my retirement years.
My retiremet is a blessing to us. It allows us to afford the good life here in Osky.
Don stills works and I try to take care of Don. Its a good thing.
Living in the moment , one day at a time.
And enjoying the ride.
Sunday, May 10, 2009
Happy Mothers day
What a great mothers day this has been.
My children remembered me with gifts and cards. I got to visit my grandsons yesterday and have lunch with them and mom.
When we got home Don gave me a dozen red roses. Life doesn't get much better then this . Sometimes I have to pinch myself to see if it is real.
We serve a mighty God and he is faithful to give us the desires of our hearts if we will listen for his still small voice and be ready to do His will.
He has only good plans for our life and none to harm us only for our good. But we must wait and be patient which is soemtimes hard for us to do.
My children remembered me with gifts and cards. I got to visit my grandsons yesterday and have lunch with them and mom.
When we got home Don gave me a dozen red roses. Life doesn't get much better then this . Sometimes I have to pinch myself to see if it is real.
We serve a mighty God and he is faithful to give us the desires of our hearts if we will listen for his still small voice and be ready to do His will.
He has only good plans for our life and none to harm us only for our good. But we must wait and be patient which is soemtimes hard for us to do.
Friday, May 8, 2009
Watson Bed and Breakfast
As summer is approaching it is time to get the house ready to open Watson Bed and Breakfast officialy for the season.
We have already had Brian and Erica and the boys.
My brother Jack and his wife Ivana will be here the 20th or 21st for a day and then Don's oldest son and his wife are coming ovr memorial day week end. We are anxious to see them and see how Jim is doing following 6 weeks of radiation treatments.
I hope he feels like eating. I'll try to fatten him up some.
Don is finishing the Privy for the campground. He will stay home this week end to work down at the woods while mom and I go to Leon. He is hoping to find a few more mushrooms before the season gets over.
He has a little work to finish on the teardrop to get it ready to take next month to the international teardrop gathering in Minden , Nebraska. That will be the beginning of our western united states adventure. More about that later.
Each new day is another clean slate to start all over new. And hopefully we have learned from our mistakes of yesterday to make this new day right.
We have already had Brian and Erica and the boys.
My brother Jack and his wife Ivana will be here the 20th or 21st for a day and then Don's oldest son and his wife are coming ovr memorial day week end. We are anxious to see them and see how Jim is doing following 6 weeks of radiation treatments.
I hope he feels like eating. I'll try to fatten him up some.
Don is finishing the Privy for the campground. He will stay home this week end to work down at the woods while mom and I go to Leon. He is hoping to find a few more mushrooms before the season gets over.
He has a little work to finish on the teardrop to get it ready to take next month to the international teardrop gathering in Minden , Nebraska. That will be the beginning of our western united states adventure. More about that later.
Each new day is another clean slate to start all over new. And hopefully we have learned from our mistakes of yesterday to make this new day right.
Tuesday, May 5, 2009
Mother lode

Finally found enough mushrooms to brag about.
We are going to cook them and freeze them and save them for when Jim and Tracy come over memorial day week end. Hoping Jim will feel like eating some.
I do hope this is just the beginning of th mushroom season and we find more this weekend.
Would like to have some to share with my brother Jack when he comes in a couple of weeks.
It was really fun hunting them together tonight.
Guess we bought a good patch of woods.
This is really back to basic living in southrn Iowa.
Love it love it love it!!!!!!!
Had we were as good a hunters as Brent Talbert!
Monday, May 4, 2009
cleaning up
We spent the entire weekend cleaning up and burning brush. Three big piles are no more.
No mushrooms!! What a bummer. May not be any this year if all things are not right they do not grow.
tore out the old carpet from the trailer and our neighbor is puting down a new vinyle floor. I twill be so nice when he gets it done.
Planted the rest of our garden. Tomotoes and peppers and eggplant and watermellon and more sweet corn.
It looks so nice to look out my kitchen window and see my garden growing.
Keeping us old folk pretty busy. No moss grows under our feet.
No mushrooms!! What a bummer. May not be any this year if all things are not right they do not grow.
tore out the old carpet from the trailer and our neighbor is puting down a new vinyle floor. I twill be so nice when he gets it done.
Planted the rest of our garden. Tomotoes and peppers and eggplant and watermellon and more sweet corn.
It looks so nice to look out my kitchen window and see my garden growing.
Keeping us old folk pretty busy. No moss grows under our feet.
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