Thursday, May 14, 2009


Today I figured out facebook.
It seems everyone was on facebook. I had been asked to join but never could figure it all out. Today I got there with the help of Don and I have been facebooking all day. Ah the joys of the computer. I am not very technical but Don is a big help.
Quilt guild tonight and then Don and I must seriously clean here and and at the The Woods thsi week end.
Company is coming next week and we are excited.
Inching forward one daya t a time.

1 comment:

  1. I have reconnected with friends I haven't seen since age 10 on Facebook. A whole crowd I once rode motorcycles with in an old cornfield out there in Glendale Heights and some I played community sports with.

    Don't feel as though you need to do anything special for our visit. We're just glad to be able to come out.
