Friday, May 8, 2009

Watson Bed and Breakfast

As summer is approaching it is time to get the house ready to open Watson Bed and Breakfast officialy for the season.
We have already had Brian and Erica and the boys.
My brother Jack and his wife Ivana will be here the 20th or 21st for a day and then Don's oldest son and his wife are coming ovr memorial day week end. We are anxious to see them and see how Jim is doing following 6 weeks of radiation treatments.
I hope he feels like eating. I'll try to fatten him up some.
Don is finishing the Privy for the campground. He will stay home this week end to work down at the woods while mom and I go to Leon. He is hoping to find a few more mushrooms before the season gets over.
He has a little work to finish on the teardrop to get it ready to take next month to the international teardrop gathering in Minden , Nebraska. That will be the beginning of our western united states adventure. More about that later.
Each new day is another clean slate to start all over new. And hopefully we have learned from our mistakes of yesterday to make this new day right.

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