Friday, December 17, 2010

Winter wonderland

Today was the first day since the blizzard that I thought it was warm enough to go for a walk. The first day we have seen the sun shine. So needing some vitamin D and a chance to get out of the house Buddy and I set off on a brisk walk.
We went to the bottom of the hill and deep into the woods along the creek. The snow seemed so much deeper and so white and powdery there. It was amazing to see all the different animal tracks in the fresh snow going every direction in and out of our property.
Along the side of the road was an inviting patch of powdery snow that looked like a great place to make a snow angel. I flopped down like a little kid and began moving my arms and legs thinking what a great snow angel this will be. As I was enjoying myself, Buddy must have thought I had a heart attack because he came running and jumped right on top of me trying to give me mouth to mouth. So all my artistic work was for nothing. I got up dusted myself off and headed back up the hill and home.
Another day in the country.

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