Sunday, December 12, 2010

Winters first blizzard

The first snow of the season ended up being a blizzard. All the highways in the state were closed by the state patrol. Musco Christmas party got canceled and so did church services this morning.
We sat inside warm and snug and watched it unfold through our great view windows. We did not get as much snow and the wind did not start until in the evening.
Buddy was content to lay at his masters feet on the rug in front of the sofa.
When he was let outside he took the chance to run in the snow and drag the trash can in circles to exert his energy so he could come back inside and lay and enjoy the nice warm house.
We had a house full of food so nothing to stir us to want to go outside.
I quilted, Don played on the computer and watched tv.
Really it has been a great calm week end. Kind of how I see our new life in the country. No stress, just take one day at a time as it comes.
Life can't get much better then this.

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