Friday, December 3, 2010

Daily walks in the country

I have started taking daily walks in the country. It was with the hope of managing my weight and health. But I am thinking it is helping my spirits as well.
Treking down lonely country roads and deep into the woods on our acreage. The birds sing sweet songs along my route. Buddy the dog is my walking companion. Sometimes he goes ahead and keeps looking back to see how far he can go. Sometimes he stays near my side nudging me to go farther and sometimes he waits for me to get far ahead before he decides to run and catch up with me.
Walking clears the head and gives one time to meditate on what is important in my life. I bundle up and try to ignore the cold weather. And many days I return warmer then when I left the house.
God walks beside me and He likes this time of day to listen to my prayers and if I really listen I seem to hear His still small voice.
The gentleness of the country life is amazing. No rush. No time schedule.
Right now everything is dead or dormant. The leaves are off the trees and you can see the cars on highway 63 from my patio door . You can hear the train as it passes by.
Soon there will be snow and the pond will be frozen over. From my windows it will be fun to watch the 4 seasons come and go.
Retirement is so good. How can it get any better then this?
I am blessed, happy and content. Thank you Jesus for this wonderful life you have given me.

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