Monday, April 27, 2009

Being Parents

Once a parent always a parent. Tracy called last night to update us on Jims treatment.
We were concerned because we had not had any word in over a week.
We knew his condition was getting worse and he was weak and unable to talk or eat much.
Wednesday the doctor said no more treatments for 4 days. He thought the break would help him build up his strengh. On friday tracy had to take him to the hospital emergency ward as he was deydrated. They hooked him up to IV'S and sent him home. He has lost 45 puonds but was able to eat some small noodles yesterday, but today he goes back for two more 100 % treatments and 5 more not so intense.
Lord we as parents have to give him over to you. We know God is in control and he knows the love we have for Jim and we know God loves Jim also.

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