Saturday, April 25, 2009

Forest rebirth

This week end we camped at the Woods. It was neat to see all the new green growth as the seemingly dead forest comes back t o life.
The violets, dutchman breches, and wild plums are blooming. But no sign of mushrooms. It must be too cold still.
We could use a rain also. We found a small patch of false morels. Don says they come before the real morels.
We burned some more brush. It is an endless job cleaning up in so many acres.
We wore ourselves out and now came back to town to rest up for the rest of the week.
I have Postmasters convention in des moines Sunday and tuesday night. It is the 100 anniversary of the League of Postmasters. I felt like I needed to go as a past president and Postmaster of the year from 2005.
Don will go with me Tuesday night for the banquet.
I have a quilt and purse for the auction and photos from years past conventions.
Another week and April will be behind us.
Upward and on ward.

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