Thursday, April 9, 2009

Full Moon over Watson Woods

Awesome!!! How beautiful last night to see a full moon come up in the southeastern sky. Hanging just above the treeline. BIg and bright yellow shining down on the woods. Just think how beautiful heaven must be as looking up we see only the under side of heaven filled with twinkling stars. Like the back side of a needlepoint is never as pretty as the top of the piece.
Our creator God is a good creator and he only makes good thinks.
How aweful to see that Iowa Judges think nothing is holy and allows same sex marriges . God must be really upset with mankind and there will come a day of reckoning. We need to get down on our knees before a Holy God and ask him to forgive our nation and continue to send down His blessing so all can see HIs glory .
The glory in each new sunrise and each sunset . And the beauty in a full moon over Watson Woods.

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