Sunday, April 12, 2009

Easter Sunday

It is cool and cloudy ,but the promise of rain is holding off until tonight.
We will go to early church and then go to the farm. Don bought switch grass and clover to seed down the 7 acres.
In july he will plant deer food plots of turnips. the rest will be garden for human consumption if the deer and coons don't eat it.
Yesterday was spent in Leon visiting with my children and going to the casino in Osceola for supper. Kolby lost two teeth so he looks like a pumkin right now.But he liked the money from the tooth fairy.
Kirk was busy getting his new mower ready to start the spring mowing season and begin his new business.
Aglow was good with Anita from wayland as the speaker.
It was a very good day and it has been a busy week end . Don will be tired and ready to go back to work to rest.
Easter brings the promise of the resurection from death to life. Thank you Jesus for showing us the way the truth and the light. Now help us to carry your light to those who need to know who you are and the promise you bring.

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