Friday, April 24, 2009

How does your garden grow?

Just overnight our garden started growing. the peas you can row and the onions are coming up. The lettuce is making a nice row. The grapes are budding and the strawberries are blooming so looks like a good crop is setting on.
the new friut trees are leafing out also. The raspberry bushes are growing also.
Soon we can plant the rest of our garden. Beans, mellons, cucumbers, squash, tomatoes and peppers.
We have a container full of herbs growing also.
It is so fullilling to grow your own produce. To know it does not have salmonila and the satisfaction of growing it with your own two hands.
It gives Don something to look at every morning and each night.
He will be glad when his switch grass comes up. that may not start growing until June.
We will camp at the woods tonight and continue with the job of cleaning up the brush and getting ready for the elecricity to get hooked up soon I hope.
But we are managing with the generator. Don is ready to fish the frivy. He can not decide on the siding as everything costs more then the privy is worth. I would hate to be buuilding a house right now.
One day at a time
Hoping to find mushrooms!!!!!

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