Saturday, January 24, 2009

Cold but Sunny

Today is cold ,zero , but Sunny.
Sometimes life is cold , dead, but sunny with the promise of tomorrow and a new day to start new in Christ.
It's all about you Jesus.
It is not about me. I am insanificant . I am just the vessel and Jesus is the oil that must be poured out to heal others. The healing balm of life.
Unless I am broken and poured out I can not help others.
Jesus was broken on the cross of Calvary for my sins and the sins of the world . He is our righteousness. Only because of his sacrifice on the cross can anyone come before a holy God and say I am righteous because of the shed blood of Christ.
It is never too late to turn your life to Jesus.
Come sinner repent and be made whole by the blood of the lamb.

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