Monday, January 19, 2009

Monday morning cleaning lady

It is monday morning and the cleaning lady , Gloria Stams is coming today to help me clean the bathrooms.
We have three full bathrooms and only two people living here but all three manage to get used.
My husband does not think I need a cleaning lady and he even cleaned the potties once to prove we did not need a cleaning lady but I persisted and I am happy to have a cleaning lady.
She only comes twice a month but I am always happy to have her come. While she is cleaning the bathrooms I try a little harder on the rest of the house and it looks good for at least one day. Cleaning is a vicious circle and a job that is never complete. It is so self defeating in my mind to clean and still need to clean.
If we were not so dirty perhaps we would not need a cleaning lady.
Life one day at a time.

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