Thursday, January 8, 2009

True Happiness

The pursuit of Happiness is an inalienable right guaranteed by the Declaration of Independence. But happiness does not just happen we must pursue it.
To be happy is a choice and we each must be responsible for our own happiness. No one else can make us happy. It helps being with someone who cares about our happiness but each must find their own happiness inside their own selves.
We can not just sit around having a pity party and wish for happiness. Notice we have to actively pursue our own happiness.
By faith I believed Don watson would make my life better and together we would find a simple and abundant life together and that is what makes me happy.
To act like children and laugh at ourselves as we travel down Lifes highway together. Some have called us crazy kids. There is no greater compliment.
Even Jesus said to have faith like a child.
Happiness that the World can not take away comes from believing in God and calling forth the Peace that only God can bring.
Without Jesus we would have no hope and without hope there would be nothing to look forward to beyond the grave.

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