Wednesday, January 7, 2009

Path of Life

Well staight is the path ahead of us today. Don and I choose this path last year and it took us 365 days to level out the hills and clear out the bramble bushes ahead. Now the course is becoming familiar and we are enjoying each new day together.
We laugh more and we still have moments when tears come to the surface but each day takes care of itself so we choose not to worry about tomorrow.
There is a curve ahead and we can only see one step ahead at a time but we know God is in control so we go where He leads us One Day at a time.
A new year a new beginning. We have the rest of our lives to enjoy together for as many days as the Lord gives to us.

1 comment:

  1. One day at a time. That's been the motto around here for the past three years. Yesterdays are over and tomorrow may not come. We never really know. God's given us a new perspective and outlook these past few years and we've learned -- even more than before -- to not take any day for granted and to live each day to its fullest; not waiting to pursue dreams any longer and spending the time together while we have it.

    I, and Tracy, are very happy for you two and know that together you can make it through anything. Happy anniversary and many more!
