Friday, January 16, 2009

Road to Ridgeway, Mo

Today we will travel the road to Ridgeway , Missouri to pick up a 1/4 of beef we bought from Bruce Gentry.
We will stop back at Kim's and go to one of Kolton's basketball games. I love being grandma and cheering for him and his team.
Ah! The joys of being Grandma. THe ability to make someone feel special.
Kolton will always be special to me. I was with his parents all day the day he was born. Others came just before he was born but I was there the entire day offering support and love.
Who could not believe there is a God when they witness the miracle of birth. A tiny miracle of love wrapped up in human flesh. I think it was a greater moment with God then when my own children where born.
Thank you Jesus for showing us your glory with another day of life to live and give to you.

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