Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Just an ordinary day

Today is just an ordinary day. Some days are great and some are not so good. But each day carries enough worry for one day.
Lay your worries at the feet of Jesus. He will handle all your problems today. He is in control. We only think we are the ones in control.
We can really only plan one day at a time . For tomorrow we may be called home to heaven.
I am at an age where many friends my age are dying and we say he or she were too young to die. Life is so short. We must enjoy the moment for it may never come our way again.
Thank you Jesus for the love of a good man. May we be blessed with many years together and my they be truely happy years serving you Jesus.
Guide our path and lead us not into temptation but deliver us from evil for your sake.
Just another ordinary day. Thank God for each ordinary day of life to live for his glory.

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