Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Swimming at the YMCA

Today was a swim day at the YMCA ,but there is a kids swim meet this week end so the water was just too cold to stay in very long.
I did laps for 1/2 hour and came back home.
I guess I will return next month and it should return to normal.
today was sunny so the solar heater is working and it is soo warm in the kitchen.
I have a dessert for supper in the oven so it is so cozy in the kitchen right now.
I feel like a cat curled up in front of the fireplace.
Speaking of cats, Don and I decided to start feeding two stray kittens who might have frozen to death without our help.
Now there are three kittens eating and it is a long time until spring. What have we started?
Just add cat food to the grocery list.
Maybe they are angels also. Give us old folks something else to care for besides ourselves.
Happy winter.

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