Monday, February 16, 2009

Another week begins

Well it is the beginning of another week. My cleaning lady is here and I need to go get my mom and do her laundry. Such is the life of a busy housewife.
The sun is shining brightly and it is cold. Winter is still here in Iowa. The new snow is so white and pretty.
Watson Woods is now a reality. Now all the hard work begins. Don thinks he has found a tractor and all the equiptment he needs.
Our neighbor Ted looked at the ground yesterday and says he would like to help Don clean up the property.
Don was busy last night doodling on paper for a privy and a shed to huse the tractor.
Dreams , dreams , Dreams. You gotta have dreams.
God wants to grants us those dreams if we will but ask and walk according to his will. We must do the fathers will just as christ was willing to die on the cross for our sins. If we are willing to give up this old sinful life he promises to give us everlasting life with him in heaven one day.
Our time on this earth is just a vapor but then we have eternity forever and ever with the savior.

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