Saturday, February 14, 2009

Done Deal

Well, officially the 40 acres is now ours!!!
The seller was a jerk. We have been in negotiations all week and the seller ended up with his first counter offer which was what he either wanted or needed. Don and I appreciate all the help Mike Ireland did and it would not have been a sale without him as mediator.
Now the work begins. A road and campsite must be developed.
Don is already constructing a privy. All the comforts of home. Ha! Ha!
Much planning is started. Such as gardens and orchards. A tractor has been found and the necessary equiptment to work the land. A building to store them is needed
We will be broke but happy!
It is a good location just 20 miles from our house right down highway 163 and just two miles of rock road.
It really is a park like woods. Watson Woods! Has a nice sound I think.
All are welcome except the previous owners.
Call for reservations now booking for the spring, summer, and fall of 2009.
Advance notice needed for Deer and Turkey hunting.

1 comment:

  1. Exciting news! The Watson Woods.... does sound nice. Broke is not bad when you (as I believe) own two properties with no debt. Congrats. Enjoy the new campsite. I know you will. Love ya,
