Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Too much excitement

Today was ladies bible study at church . I always stay after and go to lunch with a group of ladies. I always look forward to tuesdays and the support of my lady friends.
Last night Don sent Tim to a Iowa national guard recruitment meeting. Tim was up early this am to eat breakfast with Don. Don was having second thoughts about the national guard and wanted Tim to proceed slowly and ask some questions.
Don left for work. I called to check up on Mom and she sounded bad on the phone and said she did not feel good. Yesterday her blood pressure in the Doctors office was 220/90. So the doctor gave her new medicine which she took the first time this morning so I thought maybe she was having a reaction to the medicine. SSOOOO I took her to the emergency at the hospital.
She got a very nice doctor and her blood pressure was 142/80. Excellent . He reassured her that going from 220 down to 140 was a good thing but that her head and body needed time to adjust and that was why she felt bad. He told her to go home and rest and keep taking the medicine because it was working. That gave her peace of mind. It is a good thing she has good insurance.
The ladies at bible study told me that Tim had gone to church sunday night and testified about his life on the streets of Chicago and wanted Jesus to come into his heart.
That just about broke my heart. WE had come to the end of ourselves but that is when God takes over and only Jesus can work a miracle.
Thank you Jesus! Help us though this jungle and take us to the other side. Take away all that needs to be taken away and help us endure until the end.

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