Thursday, February 5, 2009


God either answers Yes, No, Or Wait. Wait is the hardest answer. Currently we are in a wait cycle with the Lord.
We have been looking at land to buy and so far He has not brought us any that was worth the price or available or land we really loved and wanted.
Don brings home papers with pictures of tractors or more land or deer found on some of the land.We have spent entire week ends driving to walk around the sites and determine what is good and what we do not like about different patches of ground. Do we want woods or a farm?
Lots of questions and we must get quiet so we can hear when God speaks so we don't miss the blessing he will bring if we are patient.
No would be easier as then we could just move on and fine something else to fill our minds.
Wait means it is still a possibility . Oh the posibilities.
Don dreams of hunting and I dream of camping and the posibility of a cabin beside a pond.
Thank you Jesus for dreams and help us to patiently wait for your still small voice.You have blessed us beyond measure. Our cup overflows with your goodness.

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