Saturday, February 28, 2009


It is early saturday morning and Don is fixing breakfast for himself and Tim. Thus far Tim has been getting up early and eating breakfast with Don every morning. That is a change as we could not get him awake enough to get out of bethe last time he was with us.
We are going to Watson Woods today to show it to Tim. We still have not closed on the ground. Wapello county is slow preparing the abstract. Don is so anxious to own the land. He has a lot of plans that require work to develope the land. And while Tim is not working is a good time to keep him busy and out of trouble.
We are also going to Mt Pleasant to look at a log cabin mobile home for the site.
Tonight is a gosple sing at Kinfolks . Tim has agreed to go with us for bar b q.
Big day ahead.
One day at a time.

1 comment:

  1. Sounds like a busy day. I am glad Tim has been on a schedule there so far. I sure hope he keeps at it -- I love that guy.
