Sunday, February 22, 2009


It is sunday morning and all seems fine here in Osky.
Tim got up early and went to church with us willingly. After church he showed Don the bulletin and said he wanted to go back to sunday school. So we told him to go ahead and go.
The pastors message was being under Gods wing of protection. I pray TIm sees staying with us as Gods way of keeping him under HIs wing of protection.
Don is frying chicken for dinner and I am just resting on the Lords day.
Lord WE surrender all . All to you we give as we can not do anything without your will.
Help us and guide us through these waters ahead.
We will follow you one step at a time.

1 comment:

  1. Thank you SO much for all you do. We too pray Tim sees this experience as another of God's protections and provision.
