Saturday, February 21, 2009

Road to recovery

Jim is on the road to recovery and we are praying for him and his family during this difficult time.
Tim and Princess came to Iowa with us yesterday to share our home life with them. It will be diffierent having a teenager in the house.
We are hoping and praying the Lord will open a door for a job for him, but in the mentime Don has serveral cleaning projects to keep him busy. I won't need a house cleaner so that job can be Tims. It is nice to have help after the meal clearing off the table.
After we close on the 40 acres Tim can help Don develope the land into our private park and campsite. Lots of wood to cut and split and pile up and walking paths to make and a wooden bridge over the creek.
Ground to be leveled so a metal carport can be constructed to house the tractor. Ground to be tilled and gardens and orchards to be planted.
Hopefully we can find a few mushrooms also.
And of course just sit and enjoy the wildlife and the peace and tranquility in the lovely country woods.

1 comment:

  1. One never knows for sure, but I believe Tim will enjoy working the Watson Woods. He's always looked forward to and appreciated his time with grandpa on all those hunting trips. I hope he treasures these times and grows further in the process.
