Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Tea Party Time

Tomorrow I am hosting a Spring tea party. Four ladies from my arobic class at the YMCA are coming for a tea party luncheon. I am excited and think it will be a fun day for all of us to get to know each other better.
We are hoping to cheer Karen up as she has been having medical problems.
My tea service things are out and ready to be filled with great tasting goodies.
Menu is set.
Chicken salad, tuna salad or ham salad sandwiches,chips, fresh fruit salad,peacan bars, chocolate cookies, or banana cream pie.
Peach ginger or hotapple cider tea and lemon water.
Thank you Jesus for your acceptance of me in this new community.

Sunday, March 29, 2009

Fun in the woods

Well yesterday was a miserable day int the woods but we had a lot of fun roaming the woods and making new discoverings.
Jack and I played cars last night until he beat me.
Late afternoon just before we headed back to town it started snowing and turned into a blizzard. We got over 6 inches of new fallen snow.
Hopefully it will melt today before they head to chicago.
Pops is cooking breakfast and all is well.
Boys were tired last night after a day running around in the woods and fresh cool air.
Found out the camper furnace works well and Don's tractor started.
Life is good on the farm.

Friday, March 27, 2009


Brian's are coming today.
I still have a little house cleaning to do. Stuff tot get ready to take to Wason Woods tomorrow.
We stocked the Jayco trailer last night. Two musco employees looked at the minnie winnie but we don't really care if we sell it as family and friends can use it. Or hunters can warm up in it during deer season.
Still need to decide what to do for bathrooms. compost toilet might be the answer. Wood cutter is clearing where the tractor co.
The road man is to complete the road today.
Busy Busy Busy!!!!!!
Up earlya nd lots to do.
One day at a time.
Jim has completed first week of radiation treatment. Our thoughts and prayers are with him and his family . Lord we ask for your strenght to carry him though this .

Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Humpday Wednesday

Well it is the middle of the week and I am just about ready for our family to arrive on friday.
I have to help with a church funeral dinner tomorrow and bake a batch of cookies for that.
I have not been to the YMCA for swim arobics for a month so plan to join that group today after lunch.
Don is anxiously waiting for the man with the tractor to deliver it to watson woods so we can unload the other equiptment.
Then we must get a carport built to store the tractor and equiptment.
The place is looking good with a little hard work it will be complete and ready to enjoy for the summer season.
We have a basement full of plants to plant on the farm. Raspberry and blackberry bushes. Blueberries and aspargus. A full garden to plant.
Don is planning deer food plats and switch grass for the 7 acres of crop land.
It is fun working and dreaming together.
One day at a time skipping to our destiny.

Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Heaven on Earth

Spent a couple of hours at Watson Woods last night after work.
Don built a campfire and it was so peaceful and quiet with little wind in the forrest dispite the gusty winds outside.
We walked and found more deer tracks. Don is anxious to hunt mushrooms and deer there.
This is our little bit of Heaven right here on Earth at the moment.
Hoping for a warm dry weekend so the boys can enjoy exploring the woods with grandpa.
We'll fly kites and make bubbles in the breeze. Walk the creek and look for rocks and indian arrow heads.

Monday, March 23, 2009

Little house in the big woods

We got both travel trailers moved to Watson Woods yesterday. They both fit well and look good with terriffic views of the woods.
With the slide out the 31 ft jayco is nice. Just like being at home almost. Just need eclectric and water and a septic tank.
We worked all afternoon cleaning up brush and burnig trash to make the place look good for our visitors next week end.
A neighbor stopped to asked if he could still cut downed trees for fire wood. Don told him to continue as there is enough downed wood to keep Don cutting for the rest of his life. We asked him to clean up behind and help us make it park like. We want a few big stumps for chairs aroung the campfire and natural sitting areas around the grounds.Tractor and equiptment should arrive this week. Then Don can cut some paths through the woods for woalking and enjoying. Clear an area along the creek for a private picnic area..
Another good week end.
All te fresh air Don slept in until 7 am this morning.
Ah! The good life.

Sunday, March 22, 2009

What a week end.

Met Kirk and Kim on highway 34 and directed them to Watson Woods. Kirk walked all over the 40 acres and found all three tree stands and two dead deer remains. The boys played in the creek. Kim and mom and I just sat in the rv and chatted. After supper in Ottumwa we went our seperate ways and headed home.
WE were tired grandparents last night when we got home. But how wonderful the week end was. I love spoiling my grandsons and I miss not seeing them almost every day like I used to.
Now to find the house and get ready for next week end and Brian, Erika, and the boys.
We are just thankful family wants to visit us old folks.
Each new day hold a new dream and adventure if we just are open to the possibilities.Upward and onward one day at a time.

Friday, March 20, 2009

Having fun with the grandkids

Jamming with Kolby and Kolton at thier house and making a bunny house at grandmas house.
We are having fun. Almost time to go swimming at the YMCA.
Will go back to Watson Woods tomorrow to meet Kirk and Kim
Big day I will be tired tonight.
Kodak magic moment.

New Road

We now have a 400 foot rock road into Watson Woods. It looks nice . He even made a drive into where the jayco trailer will set permanently . It has a flet fabric underneath to keep the rock from sinking into the mud. 2 inch rock and then fine rock on top. We plan to take the minnie winnie down saturday and retire the plates by putting it in storage.
The jayco trailer is so big our neighbor has a 4 wheel drive to pull it in after a rain and the rock settles.
I got our taxes prepared yesterday in Leon. Mom and I brought the boys home form Kim's.
They have been watching star wars dvd's.
They want to go swimming at the YMCA this afternoon and evening.
I ended up in ER at the hospital yesterday morning because my face was swollen and red. A reaction to something in watson woods. I may be sidelined to the camper.
Kim and Kirk will come to watson woods to pick up the boys on saturday.
Brian and Erika are bringing the boys to watson woods next week end for a visit.
Looks like watson woods bed and breakfast is open for the season.

Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Watson woods news

Well no moss has gathered under our feet since last friday when we closed on the land deal and made Watson Woods a reality.
We have driven hundreds of miles in the last few days and never left Southern Iowa.
At first we looked at cabins to move to the woods and then we settled on a 1997 Jayco 31 foot pull travel trailer with a 16 foot slide out dining and living area. Queen size bed and full tub shower.
It has beautiful oak cabinets and a large refrigerator and large freezer and the outside is covered in oak like the cabinets.
Very clean. It needs the carpets shampooed but Don will have to help me with that.
A guy is building us a 350 foot rock road into the woods and we cleared a spot to snuggle the travel trailer in amongst the woods. Don will build a deck and we will also have the motor home for hunters and visitors to use. Mom thinks she might use it some weekends.
There is room for one or more campers to hook up after we get water and electric hooked up.
Dons tractor is coming next week and he has been busy lining up equiptment to use with it to work the ground. He will seed the 7 acres to switch grass for good deer habitat.
Monday night after dark the coyotes started howling. I don't think they are happy to see us move into the neighborhood.
The creek is so pretty.
There is a ton of work to be done there but I guess we have the rest of our lives to work on it. I am just happy to see Don living his dream and glad I got to go along for the ride.

Monday, March 16, 2009

what a weekend

Drove all over 10 counties this weekend looking at cabins,campers, and wood chippers.
Got the wood chipper sunday at redding, Ia.
Made two trips to Leon. Got to see my kids and grandsons.
Put up chains to keep out trespassers on our 40 acres. So far no troubles.
Tonight I fed one of Don's Chicago workers supper and then we went to the woods and cut small trees and brush to open up for the guy to bring in rock to build a rock road and campsite.
Then if we have time drive to look at a 31 foot camper with a 16 foot slide out.
It is very nice . A 1997 but looks like it was used very little.
This ground will either make us younger or older. Much work to be done. But it is looking good where we have cleaned and with the chipper we can make paths and really turn it into a nature park.
Lots of deer tracks. They have a path in and out.
Tonight you could hear the coyotes. Very eerie!!!!
Now to lay down and sleep.

Friday, March 13, 2009


Last night was quilters guild meeting.
Another way to meet ladies I can relate to.
Pat , our host showcased her treasury of wonderful old quilts made by herself, mother and grandmothers. She has enough to hold her own quilt show.
We are working on round robin projects. That is where five people work on one quilt top and see how it all comes together. It has been fun so far.
I started one and have worked on two. I have my ideal and my fabric cut but still need it to sew up and come together and make an impact on the total quilt.
This one is very colorful and abstract. I would never do a quilt like thon myown.
I have been making ugly quilts for the church and have not had to buy any fabric for a long time. Don is happy about that.
If we buy the cabin that will give me something to decorate and that will be fun.
Quiltingly yours Kathy

Thursday, March 12, 2009

cabin in the woods

We have looked at several possibilities for cabins in the woods.
One would have been small but we could have downsized and managed as well as most newly weds do starting out on lifes journey.
ONe here in Oskaloosa would have been a mansion starting at over $100,000. But neither of us liked it.
Last night on craigslist there was a cute little 14 x 26 cabin with a front porch. It is down at osceola and we hope to look at it saturday when we go to Leon. We would not retire to it but it would be great with the camper also to spend many weekends and week nights at the woods.
God is so good . He has provided all that we need for our every need.
Tomorrow the dream begins as we take pocession of the land.

Wednesday, March 11, 2009


Temperatures back in the teens with windchills below zero. Spring is taking its time coming this year. And we are anxious for it to be here.
Close on the land friday. Got the legal description yesterday. All done except for writing the check.
Then the real work begins and Tim is not here to help. Ted next door may help some. Tractor can not be moved until two weeks.
Don needs to cut some trees to create a site for the campsite and then the guy with the rock can come so we can move the motor home to the campsite permanently.
He needs to decide where to put the carport tractor shed. Two spots look acceptable.
Then decide where to plant the gardens and orchards and get some planting done.
I am tired just thinking about it but know it will be fun too.
Keeping the faith one day at a time.

Tuesday, March 10, 2009


The effects of the current recession is beginning to be felt at musco, the company Don works for.
Bonus is good this year ,but expected to only be 1/2 as much next year. But , that is good news too at least it expects it's business to grow next year.
OUr finaancial advisor was here at noon to switch my IRA to a guaranteed income account. I own three of these accounts and Don has one.
We will begin to draw the interest from these accounts monthly in 6 months when I turn 59 1/2 yrs old.That will help supplement our income if Don gets ready to retire.
Legal opinion came today from the Ottumwa lawyer on the 40 acres. Don took it to work to read.
We should close on fridaya nd then the land will be ours.
Then all the hard work will begin. I hope we are healthy and up to the challenge this will represent. My lady friends at church think it is a big adventure we are starting.
Upward and onward one step at a time.

Monday, March 9, 2009

Raindrops keep falling on my head

It has been raining for three days and looks like more rain today and tomorrow in the forecast.
It rained hard on us traveling to and from Chicago over the weekend. But Don is a good driver and we made it up and back in one day on saturday.
Yesterday before church Don had agreed to go to sunday school . I sing in the choir so I leave home 1/2 hour earlier then Don. I sit with Don during the first sevice and then join the choir for the begining of the second service.
I told Don which classroom to go to and I would join him after the worship service.
I went to the classroom to find no Don. Imagine my surprise?
When I got home he arrived shortly after and wanted to know where I was during sunday school?
He had gone to the wrong room and joined another class. Rumors are probably flying that the honeymoon is over and the Watson's are probably fighting as they attended seperate sunday school classes.
Oh the Joys of life.

Saturday, March 7, 2009

Road to Chicago

We awoke to a spring thunder shower. Today we are makeing a hasty trip to Chicago to take Tim is stuff. He will be doing 6 months of community service work. Lord we pray he will be committed and do a good job for your sake. Let it be a labor of love and service for Christ.
Jim is headed to 6 months of dailey radiation treatments. Lord we ask you to hold his hand each stop of the journey he now takes. May the side effects be minimal and may your blessings flow into his life as he reflects on you.
Give us travel mercies and bring us back home safely.
Help us to be a blessing to someone today.
ONe day at a time.

Friday, March 6, 2009


Patience is something Don has little of today. He is so anxious to close on the 40 acres. HIs dream for Watson woods is growing and he wants to get his hands dirty working on the land.
He is anxious to begin planting a big garden and sharing it with family and friends.
H wants to get his tractor delivered and buy more equiptment to work the land.
A carport tractor shed needs to be built. Rock needs to be hauled to make a campground with at least three campsites.
Many trees need to be cut up and placed in piles for burning.
We have to move the minnie home before the last of march to store the plates.
In the meantime there is nothing for Don to do but be patient.
I hesitate to ask the Lord for patience because he usually brings us tribulations to endure to teach us patience.
Continuing onward one day at a time.

Thursday, March 5, 2009

Spring is coming

It actually warmed up over night and is to be in the 60's today.
I have seen several robins returning. The grass will soon be turning green and need a lown mower.
Daylight savings time begins this week end. I dread that getting up an hour earlier is tuff.
I stay exhausted for days. Seems I never get enough sleep.
I need to get motivated to clean out my closets and move from winter to summer clothing mode.
See What still fits and purge the old outgrown things to take to goodwill.
Always something to do and keep me busy.
Plodding along one day at a time.

Wednesday, March 4, 2009

Home Sweet Home

Today is a total Kathy day. Mom's need were taken care of Monday and Tim returned to Chicago for a few days and I have no one to be responsible for except myself and Lunch for Don.
It is nearly noon and I am still in my soft warm pajama's. I have snacked, worked on another quilt for the church. I have watched television. Talked on the phone and just relaxed all morning.
It feels wonderful. It should be warm this afternoon so I will go to the YMCA to swim. Maybe take a walk and enjoy this nice spring like day.
Take time to pamper yourself as no one else will do it for you.
Tomorrow will be back to reality and Mom to Mom's. Run Run Run!!!

Tuesday, March 3, 2009

Peace in the mist of the storm

Today is cloudy and cold. We need the son to shine here today. Jesus is the son shine.
Each new day contains enough problems of its own. As we plod along one day at a time. There is warfare going on in the heavenlies. But for today we have peace in the mist of the storm.
Don and I are too old to be raising teenagers. But sometimes we are called to do things and go places we would never do and go if God did not nudge us along.
This new field in our lives is a hard ground to plow. It needs much hard work and gentle persusation to make it fertile and suitable for growth. Life will spring forth if we are patient and give God a chance to be God.
Lord, You never promised us a rose garden but I just hope we can keep up with the weeds and thorns of each new day.
It is always darkest just before the dawn. I am praying that the long night will soon be ended and the dawning of a new day is just ahead.