Friday, March 13, 2009


Last night was quilters guild meeting.
Another way to meet ladies I can relate to.
Pat , our host showcased her treasury of wonderful old quilts made by herself, mother and grandmothers. She has enough to hold her own quilt show.
We are working on round robin projects. That is where five people work on one quilt top and see how it all comes together. It has been fun so far.
I started one and have worked on two. I have my ideal and my fabric cut but still need it to sew up and come together and make an impact on the total quilt.
This one is very colorful and abstract. I would never do a quilt like thon myown.
I have been making ugly quilts for the church and have not had to buy any fabric for a long time. Don is happy about that.
If we buy the cabin that will give me something to decorate and that will be fun.
Quiltingly yours Kathy

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