Tuesday, March 3, 2009

Peace in the mist of the storm

Today is cloudy and cold. We need the son to shine here today. Jesus is the son shine.
Each new day contains enough problems of its own. As we plod along one day at a time. There is warfare going on in the heavenlies. But for today we have peace in the mist of the storm.
Don and I are too old to be raising teenagers. But sometimes we are called to do things and go places we would never do and go if God did not nudge us along.
This new field in our lives is a hard ground to plow. It needs much hard work and gentle persusation to make it fertile and suitable for growth. Life will spring forth if we are patient and give God a chance to be God.
Lord, You never promised us a rose garden but I just hope we can keep up with the weeds and thorns of each new day.
It is always darkest just before the dawn. I am praying that the long night will soon be ended and the dawning of a new day is just ahead.

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