Sunday, March 22, 2009

What a week end.

Met Kirk and Kim on highway 34 and directed them to Watson Woods. Kirk walked all over the 40 acres and found all three tree stands and two dead deer remains. The boys played in the creek. Kim and mom and I just sat in the rv and chatted. After supper in Ottumwa we went our seperate ways and headed home.
WE were tired grandparents last night when we got home. But how wonderful the week end was. I love spoiling my grandsons and I miss not seeing them almost every day like I used to.
Now to find the house and get ready for next week end and Brian, Erika, and the boys.
We are just thankful family wants to visit us old folks.
Each new day hold a new dream and adventure if we just are open to the possibilities.Upward and onward one day at a time.

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