Monday, March 23, 2009

Little house in the big woods

We got both travel trailers moved to Watson Woods yesterday. They both fit well and look good with terriffic views of the woods.
With the slide out the 31 ft jayco is nice. Just like being at home almost. Just need eclectric and water and a septic tank.
We worked all afternoon cleaning up brush and burnig trash to make the place look good for our visitors next week end.
A neighbor stopped to asked if he could still cut downed trees for fire wood. Don told him to continue as there is enough downed wood to keep Don cutting for the rest of his life. We asked him to clean up behind and help us make it park like. We want a few big stumps for chairs aroung the campfire and natural sitting areas around the grounds.Tractor and equiptment should arrive this week. Then Don can cut some paths through the woods for woalking and enjoying. Clear an area along the creek for a private picnic area..
Another good week end.
All te fresh air Don slept in until 7 am this morning.
Ah! The good life.

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