Monday, March 9, 2009

Raindrops keep falling on my head

It has been raining for three days and looks like more rain today and tomorrow in the forecast.
It rained hard on us traveling to and from Chicago over the weekend. But Don is a good driver and we made it up and back in one day on saturday.
Yesterday before church Don had agreed to go to sunday school . I sing in the choir so I leave home 1/2 hour earlier then Don. I sit with Don during the first sevice and then join the choir for the begining of the second service.
I told Don which classroom to go to and I would join him after the worship service.
I went to the classroom to find no Don. Imagine my surprise?
When I got home he arrived shortly after and wanted to know where I was during sunday school?
He had gone to the wrong room and joined another class. Rumors are probably flying that the honeymoon is over and the Watson's are probably fighting as they attended seperate sunday school classes.
Oh the Joys of life.

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