Monday, March 16, 2009

what a weekend

Drove all over 10 counties this weekend looking at cabins,campers, and wood chippers.
Got the wood chipper sunday at redding, Ia.
Made two trips to Leon. Got to see my kids and grandsons.
Put up chains to keep out trespassers on our 40 acres. So far no troubles.
Tonight I fed one of Don's Chicago workers supper and then we went to the woods and cut small trees and brush to open up for the guy to bring in rock to build a rock road and campsite.
Then if we have time drive to look at a 31 foot camper with a 16 foot slide out.
It is very nice . A 1997 but looks like it was used very little.
This ground will either make us younger or older. Much work to be done. But it is looking good where we have cleaned and with the chipper we can make paths and really turn it into a nature park.
Lots of deer tracks. They have a path in and out.
Tonight you could hear the coyotes. Very eerie!!!!
Now to lay down and sleep.

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