Sunday, September 6, 2009

Labor day

Our holiday week end is only half gone but we had an excellant time already.
Jim and Tracy and two other couples came over and spent saturday night with us.
They all rode motorcycles to our house and then we took them to Watson Woods.
Walked all over Watson Woods and ate and ate some more. Enjoyed a wonderful campfire and great conversation.
This morning after breakfast they were off some to missouri and some back to Chicago.

Now Don and I are headed back to the Woods for the rest of the week end.
Ah the joy of family and friends!

Tuesday, September 1, 2009

Don and I are up early waiting to go to the wellness clinic at Musco to see if God will grant us a few more years in these tents called bodies. It has been a long time without eating but a practice I need to start and do more . At least my stomach did not bother me last night. Ladies bible study starts today.

Monday, August 24, 2009

Lazy Days of Summer

The lazy days of summer are just about gone for this year. Were did the summer go to so fast. Seems like yesterday and it was spring.
It is fall and school is started again. Normal fall activites are beginning like football games on friday night.
Womens ministries at church are beginning new fall bible studies, and Mom two Moms is starting this week with a volunters breakfast. Today I have to get caught up at home so I can run, run, run the rest of the week.
And I thought I was quietly retired and living my life in liesure.
Ah the joys of living in retirement one day at a time.

Thursday, August 13, 2009

40 &45 year clas reunions

My 40 year class reunion from Winterset High School is October 9th. Dons 45th from Vienna ,Il is the following week end.
So now I have only two months to get my falling apart body into some sort of shape. So naturally I have turned to the local YMCA.
In addition to the water arobics classes three times a week I am trying to go every morning and ride the bike an walk the tredmill. I am up to 1.25 mile walking and 1.5 riding the bike plus lift some weights and do a few sit ups.
We will see how long this lasts. I have a very short attention span and a low torerance for pain.
No pain no gain so they say.
It is not as easy to take off at 60 as it used to .

Wednesday, August 12, 2009

Company's coming

We have been so blessed to have family and friends visit us this summe.
this week endBraian and Erika and the boys are coming.
A ful week end of activities are planned. Food is planned and I know we wilhave a wonderful time with the boys. They are so full of energy. They lve Pops and he loves them to.
Jack wants to fsh and we will visit Watson Woods. If the tractor will run don will tkae them both for a tractor ride. They can climb up in the the deer tower. Swing in the swing.
Ah! The joys of being a grandparent. One visit at a time.

Monday, August 10, 2009

Monday mornig

It is monday morning and the beginning of another new week.
It is like an artist canvas new and clean ready for the artist to cover it with his new creation of art for the world to enjoyl
There is a lovely new week ahead for us to enjoy and share with the rest of the world.
What good thing will we do with the week ahead of us.
Will we use our time for Gods glory or will we use our days for our own selfish desires.
My prayer for today and the rest of the week is to be used as the Lord shows me his will for my life.
Today mother is coming to do her laundry. Help me to show her love and kindness.
May the rest of the week be easy and pleasant. Make me a blessing to someone.

Friday, August 7, 2009


It is a rainy lazy day in Iowa. We were very dry and the garden is starting to look like fall. But today it is raining.
It would be a good day to just go back to bed and cover up your head and take a nap.
I could go to the YMCA but I really don't want to go out in the rain.
I have no sewing project to work on. I could clean house as we have company coming next friday.
I have a bad case of I am retired I really don't want to do a darn thing.
I need a good book to read.

Monday, August 3, 2009

great week end

We certainly had a blessed weelend with my daughter and my grandsons.
Kolby is so full of life and energy. Kolton is getting so mature. He will be in high school this fall.
They are growin up.
After they went home we went to the woods .
Don put up more cameras. I picked the green beans and squash. It was so nice outside with the breeze to snap my beans. We now have 12 bags of frozen green beans.
Kim and Kolton liked Don's salsa so I guess the yucky tomatoes are good for something.
Cleaning lady coming today. Iike that. Getready for Brian's family in two weeks.
One blessing at a time.n

Thursday, July 30, 2009

Company is coming

My daughter and my two grandsons are comin to visit for the week nd.
I am looking forward to them being here. I will bake cookies and have all of thier faorite foods on hand.
We will plan special things to do like shop campt the woods and go to a water park in Ottumwa.
We are so blesed to e family and friends that come to visit. I am thankful for a three bedroom home to entertain.
In two weeks Brain, Erika and the boys will e here. That will be a fun week end also.
It has been a busy summer. I hate to see it end but school will be starting soon.

Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Missouri adventure

Did I mention we had fun?
Near Rothville, mo is a possible site where the Ingalls family may have lived. According to county land records Charles Ingalls purchased this 80 acres and sold itback to the original owner one year later. WE also visited another Lewis and Clark campsite where the Grand River connects to the Missouri. Saw the worlds largest Pecan. Saw a large county courthouse in the tiny town of Keytesville(500 population). Log cabin and calaboose too.

Sunday, July 26, 2009


Kandy , my girlfriend of 30 years from florida, is in Iowa and Don and I are going to Tiffin to pick her up for a few days visit.
We will take her to Grinnell to have supper with a friend from Ames and HIs wife. On our way home we will take her to visit watson woods. She can see the deer tower Don and Ted where working on when Ted fell off the ladder and broke his ankle. That ended the fun at the woods yesterday.
Tomorrow we are off on an excellant adventure into Missouri. A day trip to Rothville and a site where Laura Ingall Wilder lived. That will complete all of the wilder sites for kandy. We will look for a tea shop for lunch and also see some museums in the area.
Then tuesday mom and I will take her back to tiffin. We might have lunch at the Amana Colony.

Wednesday, July 22, 2009


Each new day brings news of varying degrees of emotions.
Excitement today as Rob Roberts announces his candidacy to run for governor of Iowa. This brings hope to the Iowa GOP. We need to turn this state back around. Maybe Iowa can lead the way to real lasting change.
On a sad note my sister in law lost her mother last night and that is always hard news to digest.
But somewhere today a new baby will bring Joy to another family.
The cycle of life is unending.
And the RAGBRI brings excitement to the parts of the state that the cyclists pass through today. They have enjoyed mild temperatures for July in IOwa.
Live each day to its fullest and you'll have now regrets at the end of the day.

Sunday, July 19, 2009


I like Sundays. It is the day of rest every week and some weeks are harder then others. I always look forward to sunday and a day of rest.
Going to church is so uplifting and encouraging. The worship is so good for the soul and lifts our spirits. The preaching is good instruction for the rest of the week. We are weak but theLord gives us the strength to carry on.
Don fried chicken for lunch so I just had to clean up afterwards.
He is puttering with his deer stand and I will probably sew on some projects for the quilt guild.
Mom joined us for lunch and that was fun to show her our garden and just to have fellowship with her.
Might even find time for a short nap. I think I hear the bedroom calling me right now.

Friday, July 17, 2009


Live today like it is the first day of your life not like it is the last day of your life.
Think of all the possibilities you can do today. Be the hands and feet of Jesus and reach out to someone today in charity.
We have nothing if we don't have love.
Living and loving one day at a time.

Wednesday, July 15, 2009

Hump day

.It is wednesday the 15th of the month and Hump day.
Just make it through wednesday and the week is just about over and on to the week end.
I used to have a sign at work that said " I live for fridays."
Now that I don't work any more I hardly know one day from the next except my husband still has to go to work every morning. That means I have to fix lunch every day and try to come up with a new menu every day.
That is my big challenge now a days. What's for lunch?

Tuesday, July 14, 2009


Today is NARFE meeting. (National active and retired federal employees.)
I enjoy narfe they are mostly retired postal employees.
It gives me something to look forward to every other month.
They work to help hold our federal pension benefits. I used to belong to league and napus but seems like narfe does more.
I fondly remember all my trips to washington Dc storming the hill on behalf of the postal policies being sent down the pike every week.
Some where good and some not so good. Most postmasters really didn't care. I believed we had a political voice and I felt we shoud use it or loss it.
Politically involved in Osky one day at a time.

Monday, July 13, 2009


I did not take to the computer easily. I thought I was too old to learn new tricks.
But since retiring I am really glad I learned something about using computers. Gives me something to do each day.Check my emails. , write a blog page, reconnect with family and old friends from high school days.
I thought I was too old for facebook and it took a while to get going but it is the greatest thing since sliced bread. All of your friends together and so easy to interact with.
Sort of makes the phone out of date ,but I still like to talk to my girlfriends each day to keep up with what is happening.
One day at a time moving into the future with the modern wonder of technology.

Sunday, July 12, 2009

Family Reunions

Today is the Faux family reunion.
I hate reunions.
Ever since I was a little kid I was drug to family reunions and I was the youngest so I got teased a lot.
Did I mention I hate family reunions.
My kids don't like reunions either so I go without them to satisfy my mother.
She is the oldest living faux survivor. At 83 years young. It is now down to the third generation of fauxs. It will not make it to the fourth generation.
Upwards and onwards to the family fun day in Patterson, my old home town.

Friday, July 10, 2009

Another rainy day

Another rainy weekend beginning.
It will make it difficult to do things at the woods in the mud, sometimes we need a rainy day so we will apprciate the sunny days more when we have them and not take them for granted.
Each new day is a blessing from God and we should life each day to the fullest.
Living out our days in Osky one day at at time.

Thursday, July 9, 2009

Fresh Veggies

Don dug a hill of potatoes, two small onions, 5 small carrotts and two zuchini for a grilled veggie dish to go with steak for supper. Yummm!!!!
It is so nice to go shopping in my garden for supper.
The timely rains have made my garden look like a jungle. The corn is over our heads and starting to silk with new ears of corn.
Tomatoes are 4 foot tall and full of nice tomatoes but still green.
Beans have climbed the fence but not blooming yet. One large watermellon plant is trying to take over the whole gaden????
From the Garden of Eden to my garden life begins in the garden.

Saturday, July 4, 2009

Happy birthday USA

WE camped two nights at Watson Woods but returned home this morning as it had rained all night and looked like a wet 4th of July.
I learned a new way to "Stand by Your man" Even if it meant sitting on the fender of the tractor while he mowed weeds. He even let me drive His tractor a few rounds around the field. He thinks " I think his tractor is Sexy" Am I good or what!!!!!!
He got his turnips planted in July wet or dry so with the rain they should make good deer food plot in the fall.
Now he is building a deer stand while I rest.
Ah the joys of being a farmers wife and still living in the city.

Wednesday, July 1, 2009

Lazy Days of Summer

Where did the summer go to so fast? Seems like it was such a short cold spring and then summer was here and now its only two months until school starts again.
My garden is out of control. Corn is over my head and the watermellon vine goes on and on .
Beans are climbing the fence to reach the sky and tomatoe look like a jungle. But oh how good to taste the fruits of your summer labors.It is a cold wonderful summer day in Iowa so I think I'll go for a walk and along the way stop and smell the flowers.
Ah!!! Summer in Iowa . It doesn't get much better then this.

Monday, June 29, 2009


I am thankful for good neighbors. ONe neighbor mowed our yard while we were gone and the other neighbor watered my flowers so they were still alive after a week of heat.
It is so nice to have good neighbors. We share our backyard produce with them and they seem to appreciate the veggies.
They act like they missed us and we must admit we missed them also.
They are almost young enough to be our kids.
One more reason life in Osky is good.
Moving forward one day at atime.

Sunday, June 28, 2009

Sunday afternoon

This has been a catch up day at homeafter our vacation.
Don has puttered with building his deer stand and it is standing erect in our back yard awaiting a small shelter on top 4 x4 by 6 foot tall.
I have worked on a quilt most of the afternoon.
We took rubarb to the neighbors and pulled up the peas and they were yummy with the squash from our garden.
Church was good this morning and so all in all today has been a very good day.
Enjoying summer in Iowa.

Saturday, June 27, 2009

Getting back to normal

Don has spent the day at the woods getting things caught up there.
He had to fix the water gap that the rain washed out.
Heneeded to mow where he lanted the switch gass.
I stayed home to clean out tcamper and car and do laundryTook mom shopping and out to lunch.
Now have peas cooking to feed Don when he comes home.
There is always something to keep a fella busy.
Idle hands idle mind.
Keeping busy keeps us out of trouble.

Home Sweet Home

We are back home an so glad to be here. The garden has grown out of sight in the week we were go.
I picked a big bowl of peas and tonight we will eat creamy pes, carrots , and potatoes out of our garden.
The watermellon vine is vining all over the yd.
We have rubarb runnin gout of ourears.
Thankful for the abundace. We will shre with the neighbors.
It was great to get away but there is no place like home.
Thanks for following along on our adventures.
We are happy and exhausted.
Don had to put the water gap back in because the rain took it out. Having fun in Iowa.

Wednesday, June 24, 2009

yellowstone today

Can't believe we paid $32 to camp at a motel rv park and no shower house or toilet??
We have to walk 1/2 mile back to the motel to use the bathroom.
But we had a good nights rest. Don is eating breakfast and we are ready to start exploring yellowstone today.
Glad Kolton's surgery went well and is over.
Sorry to learn Rhonda tharp had a motorcycle wreck last night . Glad she is recovering.
Each new day is an adventure.

Thursday, June 18, 2009

first day and we got troubles.

We made it to Sidneyby 6:30 despite the new lap top shooting craps at the first rest area west of Des Moines. Thats three in one week.
We called Pella wal mart and they told us to stop at another super store and switch it . That did not happen . We had to buy another lap top and we will return the old broken one to Pella on the 29th when we return home. Accually we got a better deal and saved $150 And got the same model.
So we are out 2 Grand and we haven't even left the state of Iowa yet.
It was so good to see Kayme again. She is such a young woman not the little girl I remember.
She loved the quilt I made for her.
She are set up to camp and they have wifi so we are doing good so far.
tomorrow is the teardrop gathering in Minden.

And we will soon be of and running

Don will be here at 1 and we will be off on another excellant adventure.
We bought a new laptop so hopefully we can stay connected and write a few blogs every now and then in between all the visiting and sight seeing we plan to do.
I baked chocolate cookies to take to the teardrop potluck tomorrow night.
Car is packed and ready to roll and hooked up to the teardrop. Don will be home soon and we will be off in a cloud of dust.
Travelers beware The exploits of Don and Kathy are about to begin.

Wednesday, June 17, 2009

Last minute preparations

It is D day and I am just about packed and ready for vacation.
However everything keeps breaking.
Lap top crashed but Don thinks it will be working by noon. That is good news.
The MCG repairman is here now to fix the telephone. When it rains it pours out blessings .
I am trying to find th Joy in all of these blessings.
I am working on a quilt top to keep my hands and mind from being idle.
So ready for a vacation.
Plodding along lifes highway one day at a time.

Tuesday, June 16, 2009

Rain again

It just keeps raining and being cloudy. Sure makes for dreary days.
WE are just about ready for vacation and i am anxious to be started.
I have a quilt on the floor to sew together and put together. That will occupy my day. Cook Don lunch and supper.
Busy little housewife in Osky.
But oh how blessed we are to be alive and healthy.

Wednesday, June 10, 2009


Why is waiting so hard ? We are such impatient beings.
We live in an instant society and we want things immediately. Instant gradification. There are many lessons to be learned when we learn patiences and I am afraid todays kids will not learn these hard lessons.
Don and I are both anxious to be off on vacation. We have finished up little projects around the house and woods so we can be free to go on vacation and not have to worry about things back at home.
Strawberries are producing about a qt a day. They should be about done when we leave. Radishes are about over with and the peas are just starting. There are little tomatoes on the vines.
The grapes are growing every day also. Don checks all the progress each morninga and each noon and each night.
Keeps us old folks young.

Tuesday, June 9, 2009

Beautiful day in Iowa

It is a truely gorgeous day in Iowa after the rain.
My garden is growing and is so lush and green. The peas are blooming and so are the potatoes.
We are eating fresh strawberries everyday outof our gardenLettuce and radishes and carrots are ready to eat.
Just 8 more days until we head out for vacation and we are just about packed and ready to roll.
It will be goood to get away for a few days.
There are only 50 teardrops signed up for the international teardrop gathering in Minden Neb. Wwe are so looking forward to sharing our teardrop design with the others and see what everyone else has.
We will stay connected via our blog and facebook.

Monday, June 8, 2009


I checked out twitter today. But it is not for me .

If someone is connected 100% by i phones or something maybe, but for me I still like my blog and facebook,

I guess I am old fashioned or something.
But my grandson thinks I am hip by being on facebook.

Life is an adventure and I am living it to the hilt.

Sunday, June 7, 2009

handy man around the house

Don is being the handy man today. He installed the new hot water heater and is going to put in a new faucet in the kitchen sink. Yea!!! This makes Kathy very happy.

I have been keeping myself busy making scrap quilts for Kims daycare kids to lay down on to take naps in the afternoons.

We got 2 inches of rain so now my plants are really growing.
The strawberries are ripe and I pick a quart last night.

Busy , Busy ,Busy in Osky.

Thursday, June 4, 2009


See how my garden grows.
The two gardens in our back yard are beautiful right now. And the strawberries are about ready to turn red.
We truely enjoy our gardens and Don measures them every day. Ha! Ha!
I would much rather look at garden then watch grass grow.
And it is so satisfying to eat the vegetables that you grew yourself.

Exciting news

Southern IOwa Rural Electric set the pole at the entrance to watson woods so we can hook up to ruaral electric. Yea!!!!
The electrician is coming tuesday to see what all he needs to run the lines so we can have hook ups for two campers plus two more outlets and the possibility of running a third hook up for campers.
I can hardly wait to have electricity at the woods. The generator has served us well but real electric will be wonderful.
Back to the future of civiliation is a giant leap forward.
Then we can have a real compost potty there as well.
It was a little too primative for me.

Monday, June 1, 2009

quilting day

Today is a quilting day The son of our pastor got married and there is a bridal shower next week at the choir directors home. We will miss because of vacation but I will make a quilt and have it there for the shower.
It is an easy quilt so will finish it today. I like fast fun but pretty projects.Bought a new rotary cutter ruler and it is nice and works well.
Sewing is a pleasure. I am always pleased to make a quilt for someone new.
Looks like rain so doubt Kolby will have a ballgame tonight. If he does Don promised to take me and mom.

Sunday, May 31, 2009

Sunday morning

Don worked so hard yesterday he was out as soon as his head hit the pillow last night.
We are up and ready for church .
After church we will head to the Woods to do some more work.
They tell us what does not kill you makes you strongr.This land is a challenge and sometimes I think we are too old for all this fun we are haivng. If you can call it fun.
It is a beautiful summer day in Iowa. We must live in the present and enjoy each new day of life we are given.

Friday, May 29, 2009

camping at watson woods

We plan to camp at watson woods tonight after work.
Our woods have become a jungle. Much mowing and brush cleanup to be done.
We need to cut a few trees so our neighbors can move in thier 1/5 wheel camper and set it up to permanently stay at the woods.
Southern Iowa electric from bloomfield is suppost to set pole for electricity soon.
It will be easier with elelctricity. We will get a large tank for water and haul water from town.
Rural water is just too expensive.
Ah! the joys of camping in the woods.
The birds have set up nests in all the bird houses we put up so told Don to build a few more. It will be fun watching the birds.
The deer ate all the suppliment Don set out so now need to get more.
We will have invested heavily in thier growth.
Only the best for don's deer friends.

Wednesday, May 27, 2009

Teardrop Rally

we have the teardrop ready to go to the International Teardrop Gathering in Minden , Neb June 18-21,2009.
Last gathering 130 teardrops showed up fro all around the world. We are anxious to see other teardrop designs and show off the vintage 1947 teardrop don made last year.
Ready for vacation to start June 18th.
We will begin with a night in Sydney, Iowa to reconnect with a girl Kathy mentored when she was 8 and now she is 16. From there we will go to the teardrop rally in nebraska and on to Idaho to visit Kathy's aunt and uncle ,Yellowstone and back towards home.

Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Feels like monday

It is tuesday after the holiday but it feels like monday.
My cleaning lady came today to clean the bathrooms and that makes me happy.
Mom came over and did her laundry. Ted fixed her car.
Our garden is looking wonderful after the rain.
Life is back to noral and life is good in Osky.

Sunday, May 24, 2009

memorial day week end

It has been a busy memeorial day week end at the Watson house.
My brother jack spent two days with us followed by a two day visit with Don's son Jim.
We showed off the Watson Woods. We ate too much food and talkeda nd watched movies.
It is always funto have company.
Even witha flat tire we made it safely home.

Friday, May 22, 2009

Don's birthday

Today is Don's birthdaya nd my brother Jack and his wife Ivana are visiting from Georgia.
Last night we showed them the woods and we ate mushrooms and sat around the campfire and had a good talk.
They are going to visit mom today and we will go to Bar B Q tonight and they will head on to winterset to visit my two brothers there.
Then they are headed to Seattle Wa to visit thier son and go to canada with him for a few days.
Ah the joys of being retired.
Looking forward to more company on saturday as Jim and Tracy ride the motorcycle over from Illinois.
Great holiday week end ahead.

Tuesday, May 19, 2009

Don's heart is out of rythm

Don woke up early this morning and his heart is out of rythm. It is beating really fast. That wears him out fast.
He is still in bed and hoping it soon will go back by itsself. If not we will have ot see the doctor and once they had to put him in the hospital and shock his heart.
All I can do is hope and pray. It used to scare me but it has been about a yeas so one day at a time I am trusting Jesus tog ive us both peasce and heal Don's heart.

Monday, May 18, 2009


Well it was a cold wet weekend and we got done as much as we could. took time out to drive to Ankeny to get an infared camera to photograph the deer at the woods but last night when Don went to put it together it looks like it had been returned and the sound card does not fit. So another trip to ankeny this week.
I finished two quilt tops for church.
Jim callled last night and it was good to hear his voice and know he is mending . Hopefully he will be able to eat something this week end while they are with us.
They are riding the motorcycle over.
Looking forward to a fun week with mmy brother and Jim's.
Happy holidays

Saturday, May 16, 2009


It is wet and cold out today. We had no storms but got over 3 inches of rain yesterday.
It was dreary all day but today the sun is shining . We have much work to do here and at the woods. Don wants to use the bush hog to cut brush and make some paths so Jim and Tracy and Jack's can see the woods . Brush hog has been broken for over a month.
We want to clean out the garage so the teardrop can fit inside and we would like to move the privy to the 40 acres and get trim to finish it and and the new floor in the trailer. We have some last minute work to do on the teardrop before vacation as it will be on desplay at the international teardrop gathering in Minden , Nebraska the first day of our trip out west.
Busy here.

Friday, May 15, 2009


Another rainy spring day in Iowa. Everything is so green and many shades of green like in Ireland. I always thought my grandfather settled in Iowa because he came from Ireland and Iowa must have reminded him of his homeland.
He was a farmer and I know he found satisfaction in farming and getting dirt on his hands.
He always had on overalls and he and grandma raised 9 children . He was so very proud of his family.. During the depression two of his sons went to northern Iowa to farm and when they lost thier farms grandpa lost his farm also and he never got over the loss. He died from a broken heart.
But he left a legacy of working hard to his family and we can all be proud of our Irish roots.

Thursday, May 14, 2009


Today I figured out facebook.
It seems everyone was on facebook. I had been asked to join but never could figure it all out. Today I got there with the help of Don and I have been facebooking all day. Ah the joys of the computer. I am not very technical but Don is a big help.
Quilt guild tonight and then Don and I must seriously clean here and and at the The Woods thsi week end.
Company is coming next week and we are excited.
Inching forward one daya t a time.

Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Saving Pennies

Don now has me saving pennies.
He found recipes for dish wash detergent and laundry soap on the internet so we got the ingrediens and I will give it a try. After all this is a recession of depression magnatude.
There is much work to be done at the house this weekend. Don is still working on the privy and the teardrop needs cleaned and finishing touches before we take it on vacation next month to the international teardrop gathering in Minden , Nebraska.. Last year over 130 teardrops were in attendance.
It should be neat to look at others and show off ours.
It is raining today and a good day to stay inside and sew quilts. I am working on a king size summer cotton quilt for our bed. That will take a day or two of sewing.

Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Old barns and people


Years of standing in the weather, bearing the storms and scorching
sun, only that can produce beautiful barn wood.

A stranger came by the other day with an offer that set me to thinking.
He wanted to buy the old barn that sits out by the highway.
I told him right off he was crazy.
He was a city type, you could tell by his clothes, his car,
his hands, and the way he talked.
He said he was driving by and saw that beautiful barn
sitting out in the tall grass and wanted to know if it was for sale.
I told him he had a funny idea of beauty.

Sure, it was a handsome building in its day.
But then, there's been a lot of winters pass with their snow and ice and
howling wind.
The summer sun's beat down on that old barn till all the paint's gone,
and the wood has turned silver gray.
Now the old building leans a good deal, looking kind of tired.
Yet, that fellow called it beautiful.

That set me to thinking.
I walked out to the field and just stood there, gazing at that old barn.

The stranger said he planned to use the lumber to line the walls of his
den in a new country home he's building down the road.
He said you couldn't get paint that beautiful.
Only years of standing in the weather, bearing the storms and scorching
sun, only that can produce beautiful barn wood.

It came to me then. We're a lot like that, you and I.
Only it's on the inside that the beauty grows with us.
Sure we turn silver gray too... and lean a bit more than
we did when we were young and full of sap.
But the Good Lord knows what He's doing.
And as the years pass He's busy using the hard weather of our lives,
the dry spells and the stormy seasons to do a job of beautifying
our souls that nothing else can produce.
And to think how often folks holler because they want life easy!

They took the old barn down today and hauled it away
to beautify a rich man's house.
And I reckon someday you and I'll be hauled off
to Heaven to take on whatever chores the Good Lord
has for us in His big mansion.

And I suspect we'll be more beautiful

then for the seasons we've been through here...

and just maybe even add a bit of beauty to our Father's house.

May there be peace within you today.

May you trust God that you are

exactly where you are meant to be.

And...I do sincerely Thank God for my wonderful friends and family who
love me even though I show signs of weathering.


Today is my first NARFE meeting. I am so glad to be a part of the National Association of Retired Federal Employees.
NARFE will work relentlessly to protect my civil service retirement benefits.
They meet on the second tuesday of the month for lunch. I understand most of the memebers are retired postal workers. Some from the Va and other branches of the government.
Work ing for Mr John Q Public is a very trying job, and after 32 years it was good to be able to retire and enjoy my retirement years.
My retiremet is a blessing to us. It allows us to afford the good life here in Osky.
Don stills works and I try to take care of Don. Its a good thing.
Living in the moment , one day at a time.
And enjoying the ride.

Sunday, May 10, 2009

Happy Mothers day

What a great mothers day this has been.
My children remembered me with gifts and cards. I got to visit my grandsons yesterday and have lunch with them and mom.
When we got home Don gave me a dozen red roses. Life doesn't get much better then this . Sometimes I have to pinch myself to see if it is real.
We serve a mighty God and he is faithful to give us the desires of our hearts if we will listen for his still small voice and be ready to do His will.
He has only good plans for our life and none to harm us only for our good. But we must wait and be patient which is soemtimes hard for us to do.

Friday, May 8, 2009

Watson Bed and Breakfast

As summer is approaching it is time to get the house ready to open Watson Bed and Breakfast officialy for the season.
We have already had Brian and Erica and the boys.
My brother Jack and his wife Ivana will be here the 20th or 21st for a day and then Don's oldest son and his wife are coming ovr memorial day week end. We are anxious to see them and see how Jim is doing following 6 weeks of radiation treatments.
I hope he feels like eating. I'll try to fatten him up some.
Don is finishing the Privy for the campground. He will stay home this week end to work down at the woods while mom and I go to Leon. He is hoping to find a few more mushrooms before the season gets over.
He has a little work to finish on the teardrop to get it ready to take next month to the international teardrop gathering in Minden , Nebraska. That will be the beginning of our western united states adventure. More about that later.
Each new day is another clean slate to start all over new. And hopefully we have learned from our mistakes of yesterday to make this new day right.

Tuesday, May 5, 2009

Mother lode

Finally found enough mushrooms to brag about.
We are going to cook them and freeze them and save them for when Jim and Tracy come over memorial day week end. Hoping Jim will feel like eating some.
I do hope this is just the beginning of th mushroom season and we find more this weekend.
Would like to have some to share with my brother Jack when he comes in a couple of weeks.
It was really fun hunting them together tonight.
Guess we bought a good patch of woods.
This is really back to basic living in southrn Iowa.
Love it love it love it!!!!!!!
Had we were as good a hunters as Brent Talbert!

Monday, May 4, 2009

cleaning up

We spent the entire weekend cleaning up and burning brush. Three big piles are no more.
No mushrooms!! What a bummer. May not be any this year if all things are not right they do not grow.
tore out the old carpet from the trailer and our neighbor is puting down a new vinyle floor. I twill be so nice when he gets it done.
Planted the rest of our garden. Tomotoes and peppers and eggplant and watermellon and more sweet corn.
It looks so nice to look out my kitchen window and see my garden growing.
Keeping us old folk pretty busy. No moss grows under our feet.

Thursday, April 30, 2009


We found mushrooms tonight!!!! But only 4 nice sized ones. We will have a taste tomorrow for lunch. I think it si still too early and too cold.
WE will look again on saturday and sunday. It is suppost to be a nice warm and dry week end forcast.
Hopefully we will have photo's to show then.
At least we did not get skunked and come home empty handed.

Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Postmaster League Convention

Don and I enjoyed ourselves at the League of postmasters state convention in Des Moines tuesday night. It was the Leagues 100 th anniversary. There were about 100 active and retired postmasters and spouses in attendance.

It was good to see old friends again and enjoy postal fellowship,but it is a chapter of my life I am slowly closing.

Isn't this a cute old couple???

Monday, April 27, 2009

Being Parents

Once a parent always a parent. Tracy called last night to update us on Jims treatment.
We were concerned because we had not had any word in over a week.
We knew his condition was getting worse and he was weak and unable to talk or eat much.
Wednesday the doctor said no more treatments for 4 days. He thought the break would help him build up his strengh. On friday tracy had to take him to the hospital emergency ward as he was deydrated. They hooked him up to IV'S and sent him home. He has lost 45 puonds but was able to eat some small noodles yesterday, but today he goes back for two more 100 % treatments and 5 more not so intense.
Lord we as parents have to give him over to you. We know God is in control and he knows the love we have for Jim and we know God loves Jim also.

Saturday, April 25, 2009

Forest rebirth

This week end we camped at the Woods. It was neat to see all the new green growth as the seemingly dead forest comes back t o life.
The violets, dutchman breches, and wild plums are blooming. But no sign of mushrooms. It must be too cold still.
We could use a rain also. We found a small patch of false morels. Don says they come before the real morels.
We burned some more brush. It is an endless job cleaning up in so many acres.
We wore ourselves out and now came back to town to rest up for the rest of the week.
I have Postmasters convention in des moines Sunday and tuesday night. It is the 100 anniversary of the League of Postmasters. I felt like I needed to go as a past president and Postmaster of the year from 2005.
Don will go with me Tuesday night for the banquet.
I have a quilt and purse for the auction and photos from years past conventions.
Another week and April will be behind us.
Upward and on ward.

Friday, April 24, 2009

How does your garden grow?

Just overnight our garden started growing. the peas you can row and the onions are coming up. The lettuce is making a nice row. The grapes are budding and the strawberries are blooming so looks like a good crop is setting on.
the new friut trees are leafing out also. The raspberry bushes are growing also.
Soon we can plant the rest of our garden. Beans, mellons, cucumbers, squash, tomatoes and peppers.
We have a container full of herbs growing also.
It is so fullilling to grow your own produce. To know it does not have salmonila and the satisfaction of growing it with your own two hands.
It gives Don something to look at every morning and each night.
He will be glad when his switch grass comes up. that may not start growing until June.
We will camp at the woods tonight and continue with the job of cleaning up the brush and getting ready for the elecricity to get hooked up soon I hope.
But we are managing with the generator. Don is ready to fish the frivy. He can not decide on the siding as everything costs more then the privy is worth. I would hate to be buuilding a house right now.
One day at a time
Hoping to find mushrooms!!!!!

Tuesday, April 21, 2009


Don is dreaming of mushrooms. He is constantly thinking about the mushrooms he hopes to find at watson Woods.
As soon as he finds some we will post photos . we need warm sunshine. These cold days are holding them back. The farmers are slow with there spring field work or we are overly anxious??? Don continues working on the privy to house the compost toilet. It now sits in our front yard until he can finish it and we can move it to the woods. Electricity is needed for it to work and we are a long ways from hooking u electricity.
One day at a time and each new day takes us closer to mushrooms and electricity.
We are going to the woods toniight to hunt for mushrooms and see if there are any poachers hunting on our posted land.
Hope to have photos soon.

Saturday, April 18, 2009

Tractor Carport

Thursday evening at 6:00 they called and said they would put up the tractor carport that night . We said we were a 1/2 hour away so we took off for watson woods. We arrived just before they did. At 6:30 three guys began unloading and building the carport . They were finished and cleaned up by 9:30 with the aid of Don's generator and a bright light .
It was amazing to watch them work . One man carrying those long sheets of medal. Climbing up and down ladders. After only one sheet was put on the middle of the top they were up on top walking on the shed. Some cutting but mostly the sides all fit perfectly. Just a little pile of waste.
We spent all day at the farm friday and it was a gorgeous day to be alive.
we planted and cleaned uup and met with the rural electric man about getting electricity hooked up.
Everything is so expensive but we are seeing the light at the end of the tunnel.

Sunday, April 12, 2009

Green Acres

Here is Don's allis chalmers D-14 tractor. He broke the 3 point hitch bar already and the bush hog power take off bar is too short. Ah the joys of farming!!!!!!
Don't we look like the couple from green acres? Two city slicker farmers.

Using Charlie's Old Seeder

Here is Don using his uncle Charlies old seeder. It has a $4.35 price written on the bottom of the seeder.
Bless his heart he walked over 5 acres to seed switch grass and clover for the deer. He was tired when we got home last night.
We used the rotor tiller to make a place for a garden at the top of the hill near the road. Not sure the deer will share what we plant??? We planted a long row of peas and will have to wait for warmer weather to plant any more. But we got a rain last night so all that we planted should come up soon. Most seeds take a aweek to germinate and grow so it will be fun to watch the plants grow and mature to harvest.

Homestead Campsite

Here is the homestead.
It is starting to shape up and be comfortable. The boardwalk is complete and keeps us out of the mud. We sowed grass seed for a yard and wildflowers . It will be fun to see what comes up.
Don strung the hammock between two trees and we have a picnic table and chairs. Also we have a two seater swing and camp site fire ring.. He just needs to build a privy for the compost toilet and we need REC to hook us up to electricity. We only get one tv station and it is weak. But most of the time we are too busy to watch tv any how.

Easter Sunday

It is cool and cloudy ,but the promise of rain is holding off until tonight.
We will go to early church and then go to the farm. Don bought switch grass and clover to seed down the 7 acres.
In july he will plant deer food plots of turnips. the rest will be garden for human consumption if the deer and coons don't eat it.
Yesterday was spent in Leon visiting with my children and going to the casino in Osceola for supper. Kolby lost two teeth so he looks like a pumkin right now.But he liked the money from the tooth fairy.
Kirk was busy getting his new mower ready to start the spring mowing season and begin his new business.
Aglow was good with Anita from wayland as the speaker.
It was a very good day and it has been a busy week end . Don will be tired and ready to go back to work to rest.
Easter brings the promise of the resurection from death to life. Thank you Jesus for showing us the way the truth and the light. Now help us to carry your light to those who need to know who you are and the promise you bring.

Friday, April 10, 2009

Good Friday

Good Friday and cool but the rain held off so we got up early and planted our early spring garden in the back yard. Just like the Obamas's . Don tilled it last night and it was nice and lose ready for planting this am.
We planted potatoes, onions,lettuce, carrots, peas and radishes.
We will plant more asparagus and raspberry and strawberries down on the farm.
We may just be feeding the deer population.
Ah the joy of growing your own produce and eating it straight from the garden.
Life on the farm is good.
Much work to be done at the woods today to get ready for the tractor carport to arrive next week.
Boardwalk to build and concrete patio to put together.
Its beginning to look homey.

Thursday, April 9, 2009

Full Moon over Watson Woods

Awesome!!! How beautiful last night to see a full moon come up in the southeastern sky. Hanging just above the treeline. BIg and bright yellow shining down on the woods. Just think how beautiful heaven must be as looking up we see only the under side of heaven filled with twinkling stars. Like the back side of a needlepoint is never as pretty as the top of the piece.
Our creator God is a good creator and he only makes good thinks.
How aweful to see that Iowa Judges think nothing is holy and allows same sex marriges . God must be really upset with mankind and there will come a day of reckoning. We need to get down on our knees before a Holy God and ask him to forgive our nation and continue to send down His blessing so all can see HIs glory .
The glory in each new sunrise and each sunset . And the beauty in a full moon over Watson Woods.

Tuesday, April 7, 2009

Purse making class

See the pretty purse I made tonight at quilting class. About 8 of us showed up to learn how to make purses.
I was able to complete mine in 2 1/2 hours. Now to make another one before I forget how to make them.
It was resallya fun group and we learned some fun things.
Now I have something new to make and sew besides quilts.
Hopefully they will make nice gifts ot give to family and friends.

Life in Osky with my friends is good.

Monday, April 6, 2009


It is a chilly day in Iowa today.
I can't seem to warm the house up. Don is getting the rotor tiller delivered tonight so a trip to the woods.
I have a pursemaking class tomorrow so good to go tonight.
He still has a blade and bush hog to be delivered and then he needs the tractor carport to get built. We are getting there one step at a time.
It is starting to look and feel homey.
We of course want to keep it as natural as possible.
He can't get the REC guy to call back about hooping up electricity. He has the compost toilet on order and needs to buuild a place to put it.
Tons of work there to keep us both busy for a lifetime.
We will pick up the switch grass and deer food plot seed saturday on our dway to LEon.

Sunday, April 5, 2009

Trip to Kalona

Road to Kalona, Iowa yesterday with Cindy Allison for Mahaska county quilt guild. It is the quilt capitol of Iowa.
Saw many lovely quilts and heard the lastest and greatst in quilting news.
Then we shopped until we dropped. I found the cutest fabric with cute little tractors on it. I need to make a quilt or two out of the fabric . It will be a special quilt and be fun making it.
Don worked atthe woods yesterday all day.
There is still much work to be done there. He planted 4 trees to start an orchard at the top of the hill. He also planted the auspargus plants. We need some warm weather so we can till and plant to our little hearts contnet.
Life continues on one daya t a time.

Friday, April 3, 2009

Deer mania

What a lovely spring day in Iowa. We went to the woods directly after Don got home from work.
It was a nice warm evening in the woods.
Don started the tractor and we hung up the hammock between two trees.Just about dark we headed to Ottumwa to purchase friut trees.
Just south of our ground we spotted 12 deer. Eating peacefully in a pasture.
They are beautiful animals. And so peaceful. and graceful.
We purchased a bing cherry tree, apple tree and two mystery fruit trees.
The beginning of our orchard. We were lucky to get any fruit trees.
We planted herb seeds and pepper and eggplant seeds. into large resin containers.
Another good day predicted for tomorrow and then a lst minute snow storm.
Life is good in Osky.

Thursday, April 2, 2009

Recession garden

Everyone is talking about recession gardens.
Last year we had a smill garden in our back yard. This year we are going to plant a large garden on the 40 acres. We have black berry bushes , blueberry bushes, raspberry bushes, aspargus, vegetables,and fruit trees to plant.
You will reap 9 times your seed cost in fresh vegetables.
We will have to take food to the kids or share with our neigbors. If we are sucessful and our garden is bountiful. Even the Obama's have platned a garden at the white house lawn.
It will soon be time to hunt mushrooms so hopefully we will be posting photos of our wonderful finds.
Dreaming of a bountiful harvest and food on our table grown with our own hands.

Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Tea Party Time

Tomorrow I am hosting a Spring tea party. Four ladies from my arobic class at the YMCA are coming for a tea party luncheon. I am excited and think it will be a fun day for all of us to get to know each other better.
We are hoping to cheer Karen up as she has been having medical problems.
My tea service things are out and ready to be filled with great tasting goodies.
Menu is set.
Chicken salad, tuna salad or ham salad sandwiches,chips, fresh fruit salad,peacan bars, chocolate cookies, or banana cream pie.
Peach ginger or hotapple cider tea and lemon water.
Thank you Jesus for your acceptance of me in this new community.

Sunday, March 29, 2009

Fun in the woods

Well yesterday was a miserable day int the woods but we had a lot of fun roaming the woods and making new discoverings.
Jack and I played cars last night until he beat me.
Late afternoon just before we headed back to town it started snowing and turned into a blizzard. We got over 6 inches of new fallen snow.
Hopefully it will melt today before they head to chicago.
Pops is cooking breakfast and all is well.
Boys were tired last night after a day running around in the woods and fresh cool air.
Found out the camper furnace works well and Don's tractor started.
Life is good on the farm.

Friday, March 27, 2009


Brian's are coming today.
I still have a little house cleaning to do. Stuff tot get ready to take to Wason Woods tomorrow.
We stocked the Jayco trailer last night. Two musco employees looked at the minnie winnie but we don't really care if we sell it as family and friends can use it. Or hunters can warm up in it during deer season.
Still need to decide what to do for bathrooms. compost toilet might be the answer. Wood cutter is clearing where the tractor co.
The road man is to complete the road today.
Busy Busy Busy!!!!!!
Up earlya nd lots to do.
One day at a time.
Jim has completed first week of radiation treatment. Our thoughts and prayers are with him and his family . Lord we ask for your strenght to carry him though this .

Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Humpday Wednesday

Well it is the middle of the week and I am just about ready for our family to arrive on friday.
I have to help with a church funeral dinner tomorrow and bake a batch of cookies for that.
I have not been to the YMCA for swim arobics for a month so plan to join that group today after lunch.
Don is anxiously waiting for the man with the tractor to deliver it to watson woods so we can unload the other equiptment.
Then we must get a carport built to store the tractor and equiptment.
The place is looking good with a little hard work it will be complete and ready to enjoy for the summer season.
We have a basement full of plants to plant on the farm. Raspberry and blackberry bushes. Blueberries and aspargus. A full garden to plant.
Don is planning deer food plats and switch grass for the 7 acres of crop land.
It is fun working and dreaming together.
One day at a time skipping to our destiny.

Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Heaven on Earth

Spent a couple of hours at Watson Woods last night after work.
Don built a campfire and it was so peaceful and quiet with little wind in the forrest dispite the gusty winds outside.
We walked and found more deer tracks. Don is anxious to hunt mushrooms and deer there.
This is our little bit of Heaven right here on Earth at the moment.
Hoping for a warm dry weekend so the boys can enjoy exploring the woods with grandpa.
We'll fly kites and make bubbles in the breeze. Walk the creek and look for rocks and indian arrow heads.

Monday, March 23, 2009

Little house in the big woods

We got both travel trailers moved to Watson Woods yesterday. They both fit well and look good with terriffic views of the woods.
With the slide out the 31 ft jayco is nice. Just like being at home almost. Just need eclectric and water and a septic tank.
We worked all afternoon cleaning up brush and burnig trash to make the place look good for our visitors next week end.
A neighbor stopped to asked if he could still cut downed trees for fire wood. Don told him to continue as there is enough downed wood to keep Don cutting for the rest of his life. We asked him to clean up behind and help us make it park like. We want a few big stumps for chairs aroung the campfire and natural sitting areas around the grounds.Tractor and equiptment should arrive this week. Then Don can cut some paths through the woods for woalking and enjoying. Clear an area along the creek for a private picnic area..
Another good week end.
All te fresh air Don slept in until 7 am this morning.
Ah! The good life.

Sunday, March 22, 2009

What a week end.

Met Kirk and Kim on highway 34 and directed them to Watson Woods. Kirk walked all over the 40 acres and found all three tree stands and two dead deer remains. The boys played in the creek. Kim and mom and I just sat in the rv and chatted. After supper in Ottumwa we went our seperate ways and headed home.
WE were tired grandparents last night when we got home. But how wonderful the week end was. I love spoiling my grandsons and I miss not seeing them almost every day like I used to.
Now to find the house and get ready for next week end and Brian, Erika, and the boys.
We are just thankful family wants to visit us old folks.
Each new day hold a new dream and adventure if we just are open to the possibilities.Upward and onward one day at a time.

Friday, March 20, 2009

Having fun with the grandkids

Jamming with Kolby and Kolton at thier house and making a bunny house at grandmas house.
We are having fun. Almost time to go swimming at the YMCA.
Will go back to Watson Woods tomorrow to meet Kirk and Kim
Big day I will be tired tonight.
Kodak magic moment.

New Road

We now have a 400 foot rock road into Watson Woods. It looks nice . He even made a drive into where the jayco trailer will set permanently . It has a flet fabric underneath to keep the rock from sinking into the mud. 2 inch rock and then fine rock on top. We plan to take the minnie winnie down saturday and retire the plates by putting it in storage.
The jayco trailer is so big our neighbor has a 4 wheel drive to pull it in after a rain and the rock settles.
I got our taxes prepared yesterday in Leon. Mom and I brought the boys home form Kim's.
They have been watching star wars dvd's.
They want to go swimming at the YMCA this afternoon and evening.
I ended up in ER at the hospital yesterday morning because my face was swollen and red. A reaction to something in watson woods. I may be sidelined to the camper.
Kim and Kirk will come to watson woods to pick up the boys on saturday.
Brian and Erika are bringing the boys to watson woods next week end for a visit.
Looks like watson woods bed and breakfast is open for the season.

Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Watson woods news

Well no moss has gathered under our feet since last friday when we closed on the land deal and made Watson Woods a reality.
We have driven hundreds of miles in the last few days and never left Southern Iowa.
At first we looked at cabins to move to the woods and then we settled on a 1997 Jayco 31 foot pull travel trailer with a 16 foot slide out dining and living area. Queen size bed and full tub shower.
It has beautiful oak cabinets and a large refrigerator and large freezer and the outside is covered in oak like the cabinets.
Very clean. It needs the carpets shampooed but Don will have to help me with that.
A guy is building us a 350 foot rock road into the woods and we cleared a spot to snuggle the travel trailer in amongst the woods. Don will build a deck and we will also have the motor home for hunters and visitors to use. Mom thinks she might use it some weekends.
There is room for one or more campers to hook up after we get water and electric hooked up.
Dons tractor is coming next week and he has been busy lining up equiptment to use with it to work the ground. He will seed the 7 acres to switch grass for good deer habitat.
Monday night after dark the coyotes started howling. I don't think they are happy to see us move into the neighborhood.
The creek is so pretty.
There is a ton of work to be done there but I guess we have the rest of our lives to work on it. I am just happy to see Don living his dream and glad I got to go along for the ride.

Monday, March 16, 2009

what a weekend

Drove all over 10 counties this weekend looking at cabins,campers, and wood chippers.
Got the wood chipper sunday at redding, Ia.
Made two trips to Leon. Got to see my kids and grandsons.
Put up chains to keep out trespassers on our 40 acres. So far no troubles.
Tonight I fed one of Don's Chicago workers supper and then we went to the woods and cut small trees and brush to open up for the guy to bring in rock to build a rock road and campsite.
Then if we have time drive to look at a 31 foot camper with a 16 foot slide out.
It is very nice . A 1997 but looks like it was used very little.
This ground will either make us younger or older. Much work to be done. But it is looking good where we have cleaned and with the chipper we can make paths and really turn it into a nature park.
Lots of deer tracks. They have a path in and out.
Tonight you could hear the coyotes. Very eerie!!!!
Now to lay down and sleep.

Friday, March 13, 2009


Last night was quilters guild meeting.
Another way to meet ladies I can relate to.
Pat , our host showcased her treasury of wonderful old quilts made by herself, mother and grandmothers. She has enough to hold her own quilt show.
We are working on round robin projects. That is where five people work on one quilt top and see how it all comes together. It has been fun so far.
I started one and have worked on two. I have my ideal and my fabric cut but still need it to sew up and come together and make an impact on the total quilt.
This one is very colorful and abstract. I would never do a quilt like thon myown.
I have been making ugly quilts for the church and have not had to buy any fabric for a long time. Don is happy about that.
If we buy the cabin that will give me something to decorate and that will be fun.
Quiltingly yours Kathy

Thursday, March 12, 2009

cabin in the woods

We have looked at several possibilities for cabins in the woods.
One would have been small but we could have downsized and managed as well as most newly weds do starting out on lifes journey.
ONe here in Oskaloosa would have been a mansion starting at over $100,000. But neither of us liked it.
Last night on craigslist there was a cute little 14 x 26 cabin with a front porch. It is down at osceola and we hope to look at it saturday when we go to Leon. We would not retire to it but it would be great with the camper also to spend many weekends and week nights at the woods.
God is so good . He has provided all that we need for our every need.
Tomorrow the dream begins as we take pocession of the land.

Wednesday, March 11, 2009


Temperatures back in the teens with windchills below zero. Spring is taking its time coming this year. And we are anxious for it to be here.
Close on the land friday. Got the legal description yesterday. All done except for writing the check.
Then the real work begins and Tim is not here to help. Ted next door may help some. Tractor can not be moved until two weeks.
Don needs to cut some trees to create a site for the campsite and then the guy with the rock can come so we can move the motor home to the campsite permanently.
He needs to decide where to put the carport tractor shed. Two spots look acceptable.
Then decide where to plant the gardens and orchards and get some planting done.
I am tired just thinking about it but know it will be fun too.
Keeping the faith one day at a time.

Tuesday, March 10, 2009


The effects of the current recession is beginning to be felt at musco, the company Don works for.
Bonus is good this year ,but expected to only be 1/2 as much next year. But , that is good news too at least it expects it's business to grow next year.
OUr finaancial advisor was here at noon to switch my IRA to a guaranteed income account. I own three of these accounts and Don has one.
We will begin to draw the interest from these accounts monthly in 6 months when I turn 59 1/2 yrs old.That will help supplement our income if Don gets ready to retire.
Legal opinion came today from the Ottumwa lawyer on the 40 acres. Don took it to work to read.
We should close on fridaya nd then the land will be ours.
Then all the hard work will begin. I hope we are healthy and up to the challenge this will represent. My lady friends at church think it is a big adventure we are starting.
Upward and onward one step at a time.

Monday, March 9, 2009

Raindrops keep falling on my head

It has been raining for three days and looks like more rain today and tomorrow in the forecast.
It rained hard on us traveling to and from Chicago over the weekend. But Don is a good driver and we made it up and back in one day on saturday.
Yesterday before church Don had agreed to go to sunday school . I sing in the choir so I leave home 1/2 hour earlier then Don. I sit with Don during the first sevice and then join the choir for the begining of the second service.
I told Don which classroom to go to and I would join him after the worship service.
I went to the classroom to find no Don. Imagine my surprise?
When I got home he arrived shortly after and wanted to know where I was during sunday school?
He had gone to the wrong room and joined another class. Rumors are probably flying that the honeymoon is over and the Watson's are probably fighting as they attended seperate sunday school classes.
Oh the Joys of life.

Saturday, March 7, 2009

Road to Chicago

We awoke to a spring thunder shower. Today we are makeing a hasty trip to Chicago to take Tim is stuff. He will be doing 6 months of community service work. Lord we pray he will be committed and do a good job for your sake. Let it be a labor of love and service for Christ.
Jim is headed to 6 months of dailey radiation treatments. Lord we ask you to hold his hand each stop of the journey he now takes. May the side effects be minimal and may your blessings flow into his life as he reflects on you.
Give us travel mercies and bring us back home safely.
Help us to be a blessing to someone today.
ONe day at a time.

Friday, March 6, 2009


Patience is something Don has little of today. He is so anxious to close on the 40 acres. HIs dream for Watson woods is growing and he wants to get his hands dirty working on the land.
He is anxious to begin planting a big garden and sharing it with family and friends.
H wants to get his tractor delivered and buy more equiptment to work the land.
A carport tractor shed needs to be built. Rock needs to be hauled to make a campground with at least three campsites.
Many trees need to be cut up and placed in piles for burning.
We have to move the minnie home before the last of march to store the plates.
In the meantime there is nothing for Don to do but be patient.
I hesitate to ask the Lord for patience because he usually brings us tribulations to endure to teach us patience.
Continuing onward one day at a time.

Thursday, March 5, 2009

Spring is coming

It actually warmed up over night and is to be in the 60's today.
I have seen several robins returning. The grass will soon be turning green and need a lown mower.
Daylight savings time begins this week end. I dread that getting up an hour earlier is tuff.
I stay exhausted for days. Seems I never get enough sleep.
I need to get motivated to clean out my closets and move from winter to summer clothing mode.
See What still fits and purge the old outgrown things to take to goodwill.
Always something to do and keep me busy.
Plodding along one day at a time.

Wednesday, March 4, 2009

Home Sweet Home

Today is a total Kathy day. Mom's need were taken care of Monday and Tim returned to Chicago for a few days and I have no one to be responsible for except myself and Lunch for Don.
It is nearly noon and I am still in my soft warm pajama's. I have snacked, worked on another quilt for the church. I have watched television. Talked on the phone and just relaxed all morning.
It feels wonderful. It should be warm this afternoon so I will go to the YMCA to swim. Maybe take a walk and enjoy this nice spring like day.
Take time to pamper yourself as no one else will do it for you.
Tomorrow will be back to reality and Mom to Mom's. Run Run Run!!!

Tuesday, March 3, 2009

Peace in the mist of the storm

Today is cloudy and cold. We need the son to shine here today. Jesus is the son shine.
Each new day contains enough problems of its own. As we plod along one day at a time. There is warfare going on in the heavenlies. But for today we have peace in the mist of the storm.
Don and I are too old to be raising teenagers. But sometimes we are called to do things and go places we would never do and go if God did not nudge us along.
This new field in our lives is a hard ground to plow. It needs much hard work and gentle persusation to make it fertile and suitable for growth. Life will spring forth if we are patient and give God a chance to be God.
Lord, You never promised us a rose garden but I just hope we can keep up with the weeds and thorns of each new day.
It is always darkest just before the dawn. I am praying that the long night will soon be ended and the dawning of a new day is just ahead.

Saturday, February 28, 2009


What a day this has been. Drove to the woods, Ottumwa, and Mt Pleasant.
After an afternoon rest we headed to Attica and Kinfolks restaurant.
We should have taken our camera.
Kinfolks is really good Bar b q. Tim ordered a full slab of beef ribs. The plate was piled high and he had to use two plates for the sides and roll.
It took him exactly and hour to eat every morsel. WE had a great time out together. I am certain his bottomless pit stomach was full tonight.


It is early saturday morning and Don is fixing breakfast for himself and Tim. Thus far Tim has been getting up early and eating breakfast with Don every morning. That is a change as we could not get him awake enough to get out of bethe last time he was with us.
We are going to Watson Woods today to show it to Tim. We still have not closed on the ground. Wapello county is slow preparing the abstract. Don is so anxious to own the land. He has a lot of plans that require work to develope the land. And while Tim is not working is a good time to keep him busy and out of trouble.
We are also going to Mt Pleasant to look at a log cabin mobile home for the site.
Tonight is a gosple sing at Kinfolks . Tim has agreed to go with us for bar b q.
Big day ahead.
One day at a time.

Friday, February 27, 2009


Thank Goodness it is Friday and th endof the work week. Don is dipointed because we have not closed on the 40 acres yet. Next week I hope.
Tim goes back to court next friday. So that means another drive to Chicago. He needs to replace his drivers license also.
We plan to take time to see the 40 acres tomorrow. Go to Mt Pleasant to look at a mobile home for the woods.Supper at kinfolks. Gospel music by the husbands of some of the ladies from bible study group.
Tim continues going to church sunday morning , sunday night and wednesday evening.
He is painting the basement mud room floor. It is going to take two coats. He can not really apply for any jobs until he gets an ID.
So we plod along one day at a time tring to do the will of God.
Happy and blessed in Osky.

Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Too much excitement

Today was ladies bible study at church . I always stay after and go to lunch with a group of ladies. I always look forward to tuesdays and the support of my lady friends.
Last night Don sent Tim to a Iowa national guard recruitment meeting. Tim was up early this am to eat breakfast with Don. Don was having second thoughts about the national guard and wanted Tim to proceed slowly and ask some questions.
Don left for work. I called to check up on Mom and she sounded bad on the phone and said she did not feel good. Yesterday her blood pressure in the Doctors office was 220/90. So the doctor gave her new medicine which she took the first time this morning so I thought maybe she was having a reaction to the medicine. SSOOOO I took her to the emergency at the hospital.
She got a very nice doctor and her blood pressure was 142/80. Excellent . He reassured her that going from 220 down to 140 was a good thing but that her head and body needed time to adjust and that was why she felt bad. He told her to go home and rest and keep taking the medicine because it was working. That gave her peace of mind. It is a good thing she has good insurance.
The ladies at bible study told me that Tim had gone to church sunday night and testified about his life on the streets of Chicago and wanted Jesus to come into his heart.
That just about broke my heart. WE had come to the end of ourselves but that is when God takes over and only Jesus can work a miracle.
Thank you Jesus! Help us though this jungle and take us to the other side. Take away all that needs to be taken away and help us endure until the end.

Sunday, February 22, 2009


It is sunday morning and all seems fine here in Osky.
Tim got up early and went to church with us willingly. After church he showed Don the bulletin and said he wanted to go back to sunday school. So we told him to go ahead and go.
The pastors message was being under Gods wing of protection. I pray TIm sees staying with us as Gods way of keeping him under HIs wing of protection.
Don is frying chicken for dinner and I am just resting on the Lords day.
Lord WE surrender all . All to you we give as we can not do anything without your will.
Help us and guide us through these waters ahead.
We will follow you one step at a time.

Saturday, February 21, 2009

Road to recovery

Jim is on the road to recovery and we are praying for him and his family during this difficult time.
Tim and Princess came to Iowa with us yesterday to share our home life with them. It will be diffierent having a teenager in the house.
We are hoping and praying the Lord will open a door for a job for him, but in the mentime Don has serveral cleaning projects to keep him busy. I won't need a house cleaner so that job can be Tims. It is nice to have help after the meal clearing off the table.
After we close on the 40 acres Tim can help Don develope the land into our private park and campsite. Lots of wood to cut and split and pile up and walking paths to make and a wooden bridge over the creek.
Ground to be leveled so a metal carport can be constructed to house the tractor. Ground to be tilled and gardens and orchards to be planted.
Hopefully we can find a few mushrooms also.
And of course just sit and enjoy the wildlife and the peace and tranquility in the lovely country woods.

Thursday, February 19, 2009

Road to Chicago

Today the road before us will take us to chicago. Jim has surgery in the morning. We will leave after Don gets home from work tonight. We will stop by Jims for the information for friday.
Brian has asked us to stay at their home. So it will be late before we get there and we will be up early to leave for the hospital.
Don is very concerned for JIm . Lots of people are praying and God is a big God Nothing is impossible for Him.
If God takes you to it He will take you through it.
Praising Hm for who he is and all that he has promised. He has only good plans for us and we just have to trust Him in every situation.
One day at a time.

Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Its a tractor

Don just purchased an AC D14 tractor just like Green acres on tv.
It is in good condition. Now he needs a blade and bush hog mower.
Can't raise kids but we can still raise chickens, pigs and cows.
Just turning into old hay seeds.
Gurney catalog was in the mail so we can dream about garden seeds and trees and grape vines.
It just could be this place will be more work then us old folks can handle.
Cutting wood,mowing, hunting and raising a garden and some critters.
That's all for today folks.

Happy Birthday

Today is my birthday.
It is really just another day,but Don has promised to take me to the Peppertree Restaurant for supper. I baked myself a chocolate birthday cake. Chocolate is always good for making one feel better.
I have been sick for a week with a head cold but think I turned the corner yesterday. My head feels unstuffed and I am coughing less. I need to be well to ride with Don to Chicago this week .
We will all be happy when winter is ended and spring arrives. The birds have already started flying back. I saw a poor cold robin in the tree behind the house.
The stray cats are fighting over the right to control our back porch and the free lunch every day.
We may have to quit feeding them. Hurry spring!!!

Monday, February 16, 2009

Another week begins

Well it is the beginning of another week. My cleaning lady is here and I need to go get my mom and do her laundry. Such is the life of a busy housewife.
The sun is shining brightly and it is cold. Winter is still here in Iowa. The new snow is so white and pretty.
Watson Woods is now a reality. Now all the hard work begins. Don thinks he has found a tractor and all the equiptment he needs.
Our neighbor Ted looked at the ground yesterday and says he would like to help Don clean up the property.
Don was busy last night doodling on paper for a privy and a shed to huse the tractor.
Dreams , dreams , Dreams. You gotta have dreams.
God wants to grants us those dreams if we will but ask and walk according to his will. We must do the fathers will just as christ was willing to die on the cross for our sins. If we are willing to give up this old sinful life he promises to give us everlasting life with him in heaven one day.
Our time on this earth is just a vapor but then we have eternity forever and ever with the savior.

Saturday, February 14, 2009

Done Deal

Well, officially the 40 acres is now ours!!!
The seller was a jerk. We have been in negotiations all week and the seller ended up with his first counter offer which was what he either wanted or needed. Don and I appreciate all the help Mike Ireland did and it would not have been a sale without him as mediator.
Now the work begins. A road and campsite must be developed.
Don is already constructing a privy. All the comforts of home. Ha! Ha!
Much planning is started. Such as gardens and orchards. A tractor has been found and the necessary equiptment to work the land. A building to store them is needed
We will be broke but happy!
It is a good location just 20 miles from our house right down highway 163 and just two miles of rock road.
It really is a park like woods. Watson Woods! Has a nice sound I think.
All are welcome except the previous owners.
Call for reservations now booking for the spring, summer, and fall of 2009.
Advance notice needed for Deer and Turkey hunting.

Friday, February 13, 2009

Snow Storm

Well I hate to admit it but the weather man was right! We are in the middle of a severe snow storm.
Dumping about two inches an hour at the moment and it was near white out at the end of the work day and the commute home was slick and hazardous.
But my sweetie is home and we are hunkered down for the night.
Tomorrow we should hear on the final bid for the 40 acres near Ottumwa. I am glad we decided to get our own realtor as the seller is not exactly cooperating with us. Frankly Don is about fed up with the whole game process, but we are still holding it up and hoping to be the owners very soon.
We are concerned for Don's son Jim andwill pray God give the surgeon wisdom and we just give him into your hands Lord. Protect Jim and Tracy and their entire family.
We will remember to give you the praise and the honor and the glory.
Thank you Jesus.

Saturday, February 7, 2009

Trapsing though the woods

Here's the Creek on the 40 Acres

Today we are trapsing through the woods to look at possible wooded land to purchase.
One is 40 aces and mostly wooded with a possible site to build a cabin and raise cows, a pig , chicken and raise a garden and grow an orchard. plus have a camp site.
The other is 89 acres more in the country with deep gulleys and ravines with a pond a nd two out buuildings. A cabin could be built there as well .
Now we need to decide which we are willing to pay the big bucks for.
Bo are excellant for hunting . Full of white tail deer and turkeys and other small game.
Decisions . decisions.
One day at a time. Plan to enjoy the day in the country regardless the outcome.

Friday, February 6, 2009

February Thaw

We are experiencing a wonder february thaw in Iowa today. It is to continue into the weekend. Today it hit almost 60 degrees. A real heat wave.
Most of the snow in our yard is melting and the ice is almost off our driveway.

I even sat in my porch swing this afternoon the first time all winter long. It seemed so nice.

I don't care if it is global warming. Thank you God for a wonderful reprive from winter in the middle of winter.

It may be enough to hold us until the first days of spring.


Passwords drive me crazy. I can't keep track of all the passwords the the computer has added to my life. I am impatient when the computer is slow. Don is much more patient then I will ever be.
Life is too short to sit and wait for the computer to respond. I think we need a new computer but Don is not ready to buy one until he is absolutely certain that the old one has died never to be revived again.
I will never completely embrace the world of computers. I really hated working on them at the post office. Evertime you had an important deadline to meet the computer would act up like a bad child throwing a temper tamtrum or was that me throwing the temper tamtrum?
Eva was always there staighten out my mistakes. I never could have made the last 3 years without her. She was my right hand and together we made a good team.
I am certain she is a big help to Mike my replacement .
Enough rambling for today. I need to get moving before the morning is over.

Thursday, February 5, 2009


God either answers Yes, No, Or Wait. Wait is the hardest answer. Currently we are in a wait cycle with the Lord.
We have been looking at land to buy and so far He has not brought us any that was worth the price or available or land we really loved and wanted.
Don brings home papers with pictures of tractors or more land or deer found on some of the land.We have spent entire week ends driving to walk around the sites and determine what is good and what we do not like about different patches of ground. Do we want woods or a farm?
Lots of questions and we must get quiet so we can hear when God speaks so we don't miss the blessing he will bring if we are patient.
No would be easier as then we could just move on and fine something else to fill our minds.
Wait means it is still a possibility . Oh the posibilities.
Don dreams of hunting and I dream of camping and the posibility of a cabin beside a pond.
Thank you Jesus for dreams and help us to patiently wait for your still small voice.You have blessed us beyond measure. Our cup overflows with your goodness.

Monday, February 2, 2009

Hunting for ground

Don and I spent the week end hunting for farmground to buy to retire to.
Don wants to hunt deer and turkey. I would like a place in the country to picnic and camp and relax. Don will need some space to tinker with if he retires someday.
We both like 40 wooded acres near Ottumwa. It has no house or buildings and we would need a tractor to keep it up. It would make a neat camp ground with a park like setting of woods that could have walking pathes and it has plenty of deer and turkey. A new home could be built there someday.
Up the road just south of Eddyville is an 80 acres of timber but itis really rough with deep ravines and gullys.It has a couple of buildings and a pond and tons of deer and turkey tracks.
We have pretty much decided we don't want it.
There is an 80 acre farm south of Albia. We would like to see inside the house. It is small and has new siding and a roof with a two car garage. Also a shop and two other pole buildings.
It has two ponds and pasture and hay ground. It too would need a tractor.
There is enough room for an orchard, gardens and berry bushes.
It would keep us both busy mowing and keeping it up.
Need to see the inside of the house. before we can make a decision.
Oh the possibilies. it was a great weekend to go into the countrya nd look around.God is good and he will provide if we will just be patient.
He will give us the desires of our hearts as long as we walk with hima nd don't get ahead of him.
One day at a time.

Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Swimming at the YMCA

Today was a swim day at the YMCA ,but there is a kids swim meet this week end so the water was just too cold to stay in very long.
I did laps for 1/2 hour and came back home.
I guess I will return next month and it should return to normal.
today was sunny so the solar heater is working and it is soo warm in the kitchen.
I have a dessert for supper in the oven so it is so cozy in the kitchen right now.
I feel like a cat curled up in front of the fireplace.
Speaking of cats, Don and I decided to start feeding two stray kittens who might have frozen to death without our help.
Now there are three kittens eating and it is a long time until spring. What have we started?
Just add cat food to the grocery list.
Maybe they are angels also. Give us old folks something else to care for besides ourselves.
Happy winter.

Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Just an ordinary day

Today is just an ordinary day. Some days are great and some are not so good. But each day carries enough worry for one day.
Lay your worries at the feet of Jesus. He will handle all your problems today. He is in control. We only think we are the ones in control.
We can really only plan one day at a time . For tomorrow we may be called home to heaven.
I am at an age where many friends my age are dying and we say he or she were too young to die. Life is so short. We must enjoy the moment for it may never come our way again.
Thank you Jesus for the love of a good man. May we be blessed with many years together and my they be truely happy years serving you Jesus.
Guide our path and lead us not into temptation but deliver us from evil for your sake.
Just another ordinary day. Thank God for each ordinary day of life to live for his glory.

Saturday, January 24, 2009

Cold but Sunny

Today is cold ,zero , but Sunny.
Sometimes life is cold , dead, but sunny with the promise of tomorrow and a new day to start new in Christ.
It's all about you Jesus.
It is not about me. I am insanificant . I am just the vessel and Jesus is the oil that must be poured out to heal others. The healing balm of life.
Unless I am broken and poured out I can not help others.
Jesus was broken on the cross of Calvary for my sins and the sins of the world . He is our righteousness. Only because of his sacrifice on the cross can anyone come before a holy God and say I am righteous because of the shed blood of Christ.
It is never too late to turn your life to Jesus.
Come sinner repent and be made whole by the blood of the lamb.